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  1. My DAW contains some X2 plugins that I would like to replace from 32 bit to 64 bit (R-mix and any others that may be recoverable from X2). Is there a recommended upgrade approach that would minimize any potential risks to the balance of my system? The 32 bit version of R-mix currently looks like it's working visually, but the audio features just don't seem to respond. I’m particularly interested in any recommendations regarding installation instructions, any required registry steps(?), suggested backups, tests for unintended consequences, and of course any gotcha’s I might encounter. I tip my hat to those of you who reload your systems with impunity, but I'm more of an "if it ain't broke" kind of guy My system already performs weekly archival, and I did find the X2 installation CDs. Odds are, I also have the balance of installation files locally, except when they were auto installed from the command center. I’m very happy with the system how it is currently running. If I can cleanup the X2 components of my installation (32 to 64 bit) without impacting the current X3, Platinum , and CbB installs (all 64 bit) that’s really what I’m aiming for. Thanks
  2. Hi all, I recently had a hard drive crash and had to do a fresh install of Windows 10 and everything else (Might upgrade to Windows 11 while I'm putting things back together.) Anyway, typically I have had all the versions of Sonar installed that I own on this computer I'm working on. (X1 through the last update of SPlat in Command Center.) Can all any of you seasoned users tell me if this is necessary? I'm wondering if there are some VST's or Virtual Instruments or library sounds from the older versions X1-X3 (I think I have had the 'Producer' version of each of them) that I would lose by not installing X1-X3. I'm not too worried about older versions of Sonar for older projects or loops, and I am already installing all my third party instruments and effects...I'm mostly just wondering if anyone knows if I'll be missing any 'stock' instruments or effects that didn't carry over from previous versions? Thanks for your help, Matt
  3. Mo Jonez

    Export to MP3 Problem

    Related to Cakewalk X2... I've been exporting to MP3 for a while w no issues. But will only export about half of one of my projects, ends halfway through the song. All of the tracks are exported but only half the song time span - i.e. 1.5 min of a 3 minute song. On DAW it shows the entire export process being completed with the progress bar going to the end and the export finishing, but the resulting MP3 file only has half the song. Probably something simple, but can;t seem to figure it out or find it on the forum. Thanks friends! Update: Problem solved, seems tied to frozen synths, when unfrozen whole song gets exported. Guess the mix down process on exports bangs up against the synth freeze which is essentially a mix down.
  4. I'm using Splice sound samples with Sonar x2. After I preview a sample in Splice there is a big delay before the sound on Sonar kicks back in. Sonar actually hangs a bit, unfreezes and then after 1- seconds the sound is back on. Thinking it's something to do with my interface - Presonus Fire Studio - and/or maybe sampling or latency or buffer settings. Anyone experiencing this or know a fix ?
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