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  1. Hi, I'm trying to get this vocoder to work. I set the output of my audio track to the instrument track where the vocoder is set as an effect. I have the input set as side chain in the vocoder, however when I play anything on my keyboard, nothing happens. The vocoder isn't responding to my keyboard so the audio track doesn't get triggered. How do I fix this? I was following this tutorial but I noticed the SC button at the top is missing in my version, I've copied the time stamp https://youtu.be/lFM7utP2yR8?t=98
  2. Hi there - I am using multiple Vocoder products (Harmony Engine, Tal Vocoder, OVox, etc.). I am trying to Freeze the tracks to conserve resources, however the FX aren't taking. Is there a different process for Freezing tracks that are controlled by MIDI? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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