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  1. Hi: I'm a long time Cakewalk user. In the past I used to have a multi port MIDI interface (now obsolete) and connect all my synths there. Now I don't have that MIDI interface anymore and, as most modern synths have USB MIDI, I connect all my synths directly to the computer. The problem is that not always want to use all my synth, sometimes I just turn on a single one and Cakewalk just mess all MIDI port selection on the MIDI tracks. The MIDI data (notes, etc) is sent to the wrong synths. I have to set the MIDI port for every MIDI track every time. Even if I turn on all my synths, sometimes Cakewalk change the order of MIDI ports and again I have to set the MIDI port for every MIDI track. Same happens when sending MIDI clock to my drum machine, after opening a saved project the MIDI ports are in a different order and the MIDI clock is sent to a different port so my drum machine doesn't start. Also if I have set an instrument definition for a MIDI port, I lost that assignment... So, please make Cakewalk remember the MIDI port settings. If I have a MIDI track and the MIDI port output is set to a MIDI port named SynthX (all my MIDI ports have the name of the synth), next time I open the project that track should be assigned to the MIDI port SynthX, and if that MIDI port is not available (not connected), should be routed to a dummy MIDI port, not to other MIDI port, if I want to route that MIDI data to another MIDI port I will do it myself manually (letting Cakewalk choose a random MIDI port doesn't help). Thank you!
  2. Hey guys, I'm using Focusrite as my main interface. I also use a Yamaha THR Guitar Amp (usb line into computer). But Cakewalk refuses to recognize the TWO AUDIO inputs at the same time. The THR is indicated in the audio preferences, but unable to click it. I have to physically unplug the Focusrite (means i lose my monitors) in order to use my THR amp. (BTW, I have the option to use my THR amp as a... MIDI input??) See attached pix (in French) Any solutions? Thank you all!
  3. This seems like it should be really simple but is not for me. I can't seem to set up my amps to record through the usb inputs. I have a new Spark and Code pracctice amps that have cool effects and want to record tracks without using mics because I record a lot at night. I am using my Scarlet 2i2 interface, Optiplex i7 7010 32 ram and SSD. I have been recording with the Focusrite 2i2 drivers in ASIO but also installed ASIO4all. When I pull up audio in Cakewalk preferences The ASIO4all and the Focusrite have checks in the boxes but the Spark is light grey and won't let me check the box. Any help is appreciated thanks in advance.
  4. Heeeeeyyy, I have a question for y'all. Thinking of picking up a small MIDI keyboard to bring to work (I'm blessed with downtime and privacy). My satellite setup is a nice laptop and a Focusrite Saffire 2i4. My concern with getting a directly connected USB keyboard is that the additional processing required to take in the MIDI data will mess with the Saffire, since it's already got its own MIDI inputs. I could have this backwards, the USB3 connection might actually provide faster response time than the old school Saffire, but wanted to throw it out there and see what people think. Thanks!
  5. Hello. I am unable to configure my audio device in Cakewalke. I'm using an 8 Channel SKP Pro audio table, USB connection, but Cakewalke doesn't recognize it. can anybody help me?
  6. I recently installed Sonarworks Reference 4 (including Systemwide). Cakewalk works fine with this when using the onboard sound card but opening Cakewalk causes the computer to crash (Windows 7) when I have my Focusrite 18i20 interface connected. The Windows error message is " driver IRQL not set to less or equal". However, Presonus Studio One works fine with Sonarworks and the Focusrite so I can only assume that the fault lies somewhere within Cakewalk. Has anyone else experienced this and/or have any suggestions as to how to remedy it.
  7. Hello, I have been a PreSonus interface user many years and ECHO Audio (may they rest in peace) before that. I am currently using the Studio 6|8 which is a very nice interface. I am however looking into what other options are out there to give me a little more performance in regards to latency, etc.. I am not sure if I am just hitting a ceiling with my current i5 3570k setup but it never hurts to learn from other's experiences. I know that RME (The BabyFace Pro in particular) have a history of best performance but looking for something a little more affordable. I have heard MOTU's audio drivers are high performing as well. Thanks for sharing.
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