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  1. Hi, Sometimes (but not every single time) when I save a CW project, even after making only minor changes, the project file size will double. This is harmless for a while until the file size ends up being hundreds of megabytes, and earlier today one even became 1.7GB. This causes an error message when I try to save the project (something along the lines of "Cannot save - disk may be full") and cost me a couple of hours' work. Of the 30 or so project files I have worked on so far, it has only happened to two of them. I do use a few plugins, but even when I don't add any plugins between saves, the file size can still double when saving. I have not found anything about it on Google. Does anyone know why this may be happening or has anyone else experienced this? It is also quite interesting that the file size is (very) approximately doubling each time - from 19mb to 33mb to 63mb on the file I'm currently working on. Thanks
  2. So I had the "not responding problem" that some people are also getting. I figured out it has to do with the audio input and output. I originally had it set to Fl studio, after unchecking everything the app worked as it should. Only problem is I don't know which audio input and output to choose so I can actually hear. Can someone lead me to the right direction please? thanks *edit: I just checked voicemeter aux for input and output and it seems to work fine now.
  3. 1: The Problem 2: What I Have Tried 1: I went about my day doing sound design in VCV Rack when i stumbled upon that when i saved anything as a track template and then opened up that saved track template, the MIDI did not function, and the only sound that came out of the track was my microphone and i couldn't get a sound or response out of the plugin itself. 2: Saving any other track as a template with a plugin that isn't VCV Rack gives the same result, including the built-in keyboard in plugins like Vital, no sound or response. Searched up the issue online and found very few posts surrounding this. Reinstalled Cakewalk and the issue persists. I tried changing the input from None/Omni to other inputs and then saving the track, no luck, also tried this on the saved templates, changing the input changes nothing. Something that i want to add is that this is not just an issue with one project file, this applies to every project.
  4. This is a relatively new problem as of my knowledge. I started using Cakewalk for about a week now and for some reason, just yesterday, my tracks that use Analog Lab V stopped producing any sound, even my midi controller won't produce sound in these tracks. I tried troubleshooting such as checking if the tracks were set to solo, if they were muted, and restarting the audio engine. I also have another plugin installed (Komplete Kontrol), but it works perfectly fine. For now, I know nothing I could do, so help would be greatly appreciated. Midi Controller: - Arturia Minilab mkII Plugins Installed: - Komplete Kontrol - Analog Lab V PC Specs: - CPU: Ryzen 5 3400G - GPU: Nvidia RTX2070 - RAM: 16GB - Motherboard: Asus TUF B450
  5. I tried to record beatbox. I could a couple months ago, but now I can't (maybe because of system updating). Only voice can be recorded now. I can record beatbox by using default PC application, so I know cakewalk have some trouble.
  6. I have already used cakewalk a while ago, I uninstalled it a while ago due to low storage space on the pc. Now that I try to re-install the installer, I get a message "The latest version of cakewalk is already running, do you want to continue installing the plugins?" If I press "yes" the loading bar appears for a few frames and immediately the "installation complete" screen appears. There is nothing downloaded during this install, the only thing that seems to work is additional plugins like the Theme Editor (I already tried deleting all files related to the application) Every single file whit the name Cakewalk Deleted: SOLUTION: Looks like this was a problem of Re-installation or Repairment: https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034066393-Clean-Install-Cakewalk-by-BandLab in the Registry Editor of windows delete this folders: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cakewalk Music Software HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Cakewalk Music Software install cakewalk and have a good day :3
  7. On my 'old' computer, which runs Win 10 Home, but has RAM limitations, I have some old .Fxc files (FX Presets) that I use for supplemental FX for guitar audio. They still work on that old computer. See one of the FX in the screenshot. I think these FX files have been around for at least 10 years and date back to at least SONAR. Regardless, I rely on them quite a bit, so I want to use these FX on my new computer, which also has Win 10 Home and the latest version of Cakewalk. However, even though I have the VST Settings on the new computer pointing to where the .Fxc files are located, and even though Cakewalk lets me add them to a track via Insert FX Chain Preset, not only can the FX not be heard, but the guitar cannot. and the fader shows no dB activity. Meanwhile, when I select bypass the FX on the track, I can still hear the original audio AND see dB activity. NOTE: I have tried to add the FX to a new track and even a project file I created today to test this. No luck. I don't see what program 'owns' the FX files. I presume they are Cakewalk FX, but maybe they are Guitar Rig 4 files, since once upon a time that came with older versions of Cakewalk. I even used Cakewalk Command Center to install Cakewalk Platinum on my new computer, but the .Fxc FX still don't work. So, I am trying to understand if I need to reinstall the FX. If so, where? How? Is there some crucial folder I didn't copy over from my old compute that has needed data or files? Any suggestions?
  8. I've used guitar rig since GR4 - currently have GRPro6 and it's been fine in the past but I just went to load it up and couldn't find it anywhere. So I've done an update via NI Access and notice it now supports vst3, confirmed that "Guitar Rig 6.vst3" is now in "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3" and a re-scan in Cakewalk mentions it, but it still doesn't not appear in the FX list, or soft synths list. Any idea what I'm missing?
  9. Hi all, I've been having some difficulty getting the Engine from Best Service to run in Cakewalk. I set my VST scan folder to the library I'm trying to use, and also tried to navigate there through the media tab from the right side of the cakewalk dashboard. It seems like Cakewalk isn't recognizing the instrument files that end in the .ytil extension. Any tips on getting this set up? Thanks!
  10. My project has randomly started "cutting out" during playback. The weird thing is it changes places every time. For example, I will hear the sound cut out at 2.10 so I replay that timestamp and it doesn't repeat. But if I keep listening it will cut out at a different spot. Every time I try to pinpoint the cutout it changes. It's not a full audio cutout, its almost as if the level is lowered for one second or so. I've tried importing other tracks and it happens to them as well, always in different places. I'm also not getting any dropout messages and I can't see any change in the waveform where the cutouts are happening. I exported the file to a .wav file to master it and the cutouts happen in the wave file as well, but at least they stay in the same place. Happens in mp3 format too. I've restarted my computer and rebooted everything but nothing works. I'm starting to think I'm going crazy. Help!
  11. Hello. Last night, I tried recording a multi-track project and everything ran smoothly during the recording itself. I'm listening back before I start editing, and one of the tracks has a 20-minute window where there is peaking white noise at regular intervals. Context: I'm using a Focusrite 18i8 with 4 XLR mics plugged in. (Inputs 1 and 2 are condenser mics using phantom power, 3 & 4 are dynamic mics). All recordings from this session using this interface are perfectly fine except for the track recorded with input #1. This 20-minute period is the only time it happens and only on this track. There are no plug-ins on any of the tracks during recording. The entire recording session was about about 4 hours in total, and this happens around 1hr 26 minutes in and lasts until about 1hr 50min. Here is a youtube link to a small 1 minute section of the issue occurring (warning, this is loud) :
  12. i don't know if this is normal, but every time i play my project from the beginning i can't hear the first beat. it's throwing me off a bit, especially being a new user. can i fix this or do i just have to deal with it?
  13. I have a project that I produced with Sonar Plantinum and I have been using the Cakewalk by Bandlabs for about a year. So I opened that project with Bandlab and after saving it, I get this message... Unable to open audio playback device. Device may not support the current project's audio format or may be in use. For help, please visit: www.cakewalk.com/support/hardwaresetup/ or contact Cakewalk Technical Support. All my projects and hardware are working totally fine but this specific one appears to have the problem. Changing audio inputs and outputs have no effects. I am pretty sure this is a software problem and not hardware. I don't know if I am missing anything but it also seems I cannot find the master output anywhere. Preferences all good and same as other projects that work. Any help would be appreciated Thanks Theo
  14. I'm trying to build a template for Spitfire BBCSO and other plugins and I'm having some trouble with the "Duplicate" feature. When I try to duplicate specifically the BBCSO plugin, instead of just creating a new synth, it creates an instrument track and an associated audio track which seem to be forcibly linked to the original track I tried to clone. I didn't have a problem with duplicating the tracks earlier in the project, but at some random point the duplicate button stopped creating a new synth and started doing the weird thing I was describing earlier. What's even weirder is that I don't seem to have this problem with other plugins, only the BBCSO plugin. Any help would be appreciated
  15. Can anyone help me track down why my output is Harsh and Tinny and has some weird digital distortion? I'm using Melodyne to tune audio and the problem I'm having is particularly on vocals though happens to some cymbals and drums too. Siblance or syllables like "Shh" from "she" or other phrases really grate on my ears in the output - however when playing back inside Cakewalk it sounds perfect! I'm trying the files in windows as well as using them for a music video constructed in Davinci Resolve - this may be more pronounced in Resolve too. No matter if I export an mp3 (at 256 with highest fixed quality) or a 48000 wave file - some parts of the song just sound really painful like grating digital or harsh tinny, sounds - only on specific parts. This doesn't sound like clipping. But why would it sound awesome inside Cakewalk but be littered with annoying issues when in Windows or in Resolve or it its video output? Is this a Melodyne Rendering artifact that only affects mixdown?
  16. So I got everything installed alright, got a few plugins that sound great, everything's great except----- every time i hit the play button, it plays for .8 of a second and just stops...... idk how to fix it or what it could possibly be.
  17. Cannot manage to record a track from a digital piano connected to Cakewalk. I created a TTS instrument track that’s working normally: i.e. I can input notes to it manually (e.g. in Piano Roll), and these notes are heard if I play back the track. A digital piano is connected as the input for the track, and it also seems to work: if I press any keys on the physical piano keyboard, these keys become highlighted in Piano Roll, and the meters it the track’s header display the level (see the attached screenshot). The track is aimed for recording, and I double-checked all relevant settings. After I press Record and start playing, however, the metronome is clicking, and the playhead is moving forward, but no music is being actually recorded. In addition, the Record button in the toolbar doesn’t turn red. What am I doing wrong?
  18. Evan Thomas

    Extreme UI Latency

    I am completely new to the world of DAWs so apologies in advance for sounding clueless. I have just installed Cakewalk and I essentially cannot use it at all due to extreme lag with the UI. Anytime I click anything or even try to adjust the window, there is a 4-5 second delay before the action is registered. I am not sure how to fix this or even what settings I should begin to look into. To the best of my knowledge, all settings are at default, and my audio drivers are up to date. Does anyone have any idea what I might try to fix this issue? In case it is helpful, here are the relevant specs of my PC: CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 RAM: 16 GB DDR4 3200 MHz Like I said before, I am completely new to this stuff so please let me know if there is any other information I can provide to help diagnose the issue.
  19. so simply, my audio track will get muted and at the same time set to record when I turn the prochannels on. But when I unmute the audio track, the prochannels just turns itself off and no sounds come out of the audio track. Does anyone know why this is happening?
  20. I need help diagnosing duplicate tracks panned L/R that don't cancel when the phase of one is switched. I've got duplicate acoustic guitar tracks panned L/R with identical FX. I was using the ME50 pedal output but decided that the pedal was introducing too much resonance and switched to the guitar DI which was routed to both my audio interface and the ME50 using a DI box. While I was using the ME50 track, I switched the phase switch on one of the tracks from time to time to be sure that all the FX were identical and the sound from the two tracks canceled. I used the browser to bring the DI clip into the AG L track as Take2, slip edited the beginning to match the beginning of the ME50 track, checked it and bounced it to clips. Comping was not enabled, but to do the editing and move the clip, I used the edit and move tools because the smart tool didn't work in the take lane. Once I was happy with the AG L track, I duplicated the AG L track, deleted the existing AG R track, renamed the duplicate track AG R and moved the Pan from L to R. I then disabled all sends and PC, routed the outputs directly to the PreMaster Bus and routed the PreMaster bus to my interfaces Mains Out. I also added a Ozone Imager 2 plugin in the PreMaster FX Rack to display the combined output. As expected the L/R tracks combined in the middle and the Imager displayed a vertical line. But when I flipped the phase on one of the tracks, the Imager showed a horizontal line which was expected but what I heard was a thinner acoustic guitar panned hard L/R. I've checked everything I can think of but haven't found the problem. I made two GIFs (A) shows the console view details and (B) shows the track view details. In (A) the routing should be clear, the PC is shown off and sends are off. In (B) the track peak markers line up, the clip names are shown and the take lanes are shown. The Ozone Imager 2 is shown in bot views. PS: Looking at the Imager displays. The one i (A) clearly shows the vertical line, the one in (B) doesn't but they are both vertical anytime the bot phase switches are off. Neither shows the horizontal line which is straight across the horizontal axis but that's what's displayed when on phase switch is on.
  21. I completely deleted cakewalk last month, but this problem appeared when I re-downloaded it. I don't know why but Melodyne is the only one I couldn't re-install, I am sure that it had been completely removed. Can someone teach me how to solve it? please.
  22. When I import an acapella (Billie Eilish - NDA specifically) the pitch does not match with the BPM (120). It just stays the same. Whereas a couple WAV files I've used sync perfectly. Could anyone help me solve this please?
  23. I want to show my friends how I produce music by streaming/screen sharing through an app called discord, however the audio from my DAW is never audible to the viewers who watch my stream. I almost certain it is some setting in cakewalk, because when I play a YouTube video, they can hear the audio from the mentioned YouTube video, but are unable to hear anything from my DAW. I have also tried it with Twitch, but still no luck. How can I do a livestream with Cakewalk?
  24. Hello All, I previously had CBL installed from Jan 2021 on my desktop..without issue. My secondary hard drive died (where my "VST" files were located) and had a replacement and changed it changed the drive letter from "D:" to now "F:" When I tried to update the Cakewalk software, it keeps asking during the install process to put the "VST" folder in the old "D:" location and will not give me the opportunity to select a different location. Both the location and the "BROWSE" button are ghosted gray and I cannot find away to select a different location. The only option is to cancel the upgrade and I am stuck. Then I read , to uninstall CBL and try a fresh install from Bandlab Assistant. I did but I am, same issue on new install of CBL. Next I tried uninstall again but added removing all the adds component software (drum replacer, software suite, etc). That went well except for the MELODYNE RUNTIME component will not UNINSTALL. I get a warning that the Administrator is blocking the removal of the Melodyne Runtime. So I try to run the CBL installer a 3rd time and still am stuck at the same VST FOLDER point. What can I do to get past this point and get the CAKEWALK installed again. I am out of ideas. Computer Specs: Windows 10 / ASUS ROG Strix B450-F Gaming Motherboard (ATX) / Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz C16 Desktop Memory / 500GB Solid State (Drive C) / 1TB 7200rpm HD (Drive E) / Additional Plug & Play 2-Bay Drive Docking station( extra storage from old drives ). Thanks in advance.
  25. Got a few pans & a tempo change at the end of a song & now it literally extends for 21 hours! Impossible to export to a file now. There's no event in the event list past 04:30. Is there a command to stop or end automation? I tried deleting everything after 04:30 & nothing happens. If I choose Delete Special & select everything past 04:30 it deletes everything including items before 04:30. Just did an update this morning so I'm on the latest - any ideas?
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