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  1. Rotter Bank


    Hello everyone! We have been editing the timing on our projects and to do this we’ve turned audiosnap on to manually move each note using the transient markers. This would be great however the tempo keeps automatically changing (you can’t guarantee that playing/editing will be in time). Does anyone know how to stop audiosnap automatically changing the tempo without turning audiosnap off? If there is also an easier way to edit without using the transient markers or quantising please let us know. Thankyou so much. By the way this is real audio and not MIDI.
  2. Rotter Bank


    Hello everyone thankyou all for your help so far!! I think the problem lies within playback rather than audiosnap as sometimes the song plays in time and then other times it plays delayed. Is this a possibility? If so what would I need to do to resolve this issue? Thankyou so much.
  3. TLDR: Is there a way to automatically correct pitch and timing errors in recordings using a midi or audio track? Hi there, New to the forum so please forgive me if I placed it in the wrong category. Long introduction: I used Sonar Cakewalk In the days of Windows 3.1 I had a copy and used it to write sheet music. I never used any other functionalities back then. Bought a new copy a year before it became a free product but hardly use it. Audacity gives me a quick and dirty solution. However I want to go beyond and started to use Cakewalk by Bandlab but when time is of a essence I fall back to Audacity. I'm looking for a functionality that might already be there and I don't know how to look for it or it doesn't exist at all. I conduct choirs. During Covid we are not allowed to practice. So I ask the choir members to sing and send the files to me. This works good enough for the rehearsals. However I want to make audio files that are nice to listen to and not just for rehearsals. So one of the things I would like to do is make sure everyone sings the right notes, starts and ends on the same time. This is not the easiest tasks when you are not singing together even when we use a clicktrack. The question: Is there a way to automatically correct a recording; timing and pitch using either a midi file or another correct track? I know about Melodyne. But to be honest the quality of the recordings is already good enough that it is not worth the time to correct it that way. However if there is a way to automatically correct it using another file (midi, audio or another type) it will be worth to invest that kind of time. Or should I ask: How can I easily correct multiple recordings easily; pitch and timing/duration corrections, in the least amount of time. I'm lazy you see 😀 p.s. It's mostly corrections of the timing. Something that happens automatically when you are singing together and look at the conductor 😉. Kind regards, AJvdN
  4. I've got a bass guitar track that is not rhythmically solid. He is playing eight to the bar at 155bpm. A very high percentage of the notes are off by a tiny amount, but the MIDI drums are, of course, bang on, so the incorrect timing on the bass is noticeable. I've never used Audiosnap, but this is a long-distance collaboration and I don't know if I can get the guy to play his part again. I have tried many settings -- threshold, resolution, stretch method, manual editing, quantize (note durations, audio snap beats, etc) different amounts of "swing" and have come pretty close to "fixing" this track, but something always goes wrong, Like there is an extra transient detected that I can't get rid of, or a transient is missing. When I play back sections where these things occur it sounds worse than when I started. Note that if I could get this working I wouldn't mind editing the whole three minutes manually, nor would I mind if the track ends up "perfect," i.e. mechanical sounding. The song won't suffer. Is there a clear tutorial somewhere on how to do this? It seems to me that anyone who's tried to edit a track for timing must have run into the same glitches. I have been at this for a few hours now, and I would welcome any tips or ideas.
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