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  1. Im hoping to use Cakewalk by bandlab for making Live loops on the fly. Reason being is because I don't want to have to buy Ableton to do so. I'm hoping to also upgrade matrix view in order to record an audio or midi loop and add it straight to a matrix cell. So far matrix view works perfectly for samples and prerecorded samples but not so much for instant loops made on a midi controller or a recorded instrument. At the moment is making a live groove clip but sometimes it doesnt sync in well and theres no way to quickly add the groove into a cell without dragging it or going to audio library. Im hoping there can be a feature to record straight into a cell. (Youtube video example below) I also feel a tempo "link to controller" feature would work pefectly so you can slow down and speed up the song during a live looping session. Matrix view in itself is very underused and underrated with the sheer power you have as a beatmaker. But for the livelooping scene, It still needs a bit more upgrades to make it a Powerhouse. You Suck at Producing- Live Looping - YouTube.url This is an example of what I can see the future of Matrix view do with Cakewalk by bandlab. Most things are already possible but just the specific live looping portions like: Setting up a live loop to a Cell and also linking it to a Cell with a midi controller isnt there yet, changing the tempo. Also to make Sound over Sound happen you have to press P then activate instead of a simple button to make that happen. (in this video it's called Overdub) Also another suggestion is having a specific shortcut that allows you to switch tracks which I notice as well is not present in Cakewalk by Bandlab. (There is Add a new track, Duplicate etc.) but no button to switch the track or a shortcut to arm selected track without arming every track. (unless you click on the track which takes time if you are live looping) There are many other producers asking for the same features especially the midi controlled tempo feature. Please let me know as soon as you can thanks. New Features Suggested___ Tempo able to be Linked to a Controller Live loop recording assignable to a cell Switch Tracks shortcut (Also assignable to a controller) Arm one Track and Record (At the moment its just Arm all tracks ) Please let me know as soon as possible if this could be added to Cakewalk by Bandlab.
  2. What am I doing wrong? In my dropbox link to a screen recording ( click here ) I have an 80 BPM audio click track clip in a new CW project set at the Default 120 BPM. When I drag the click track Audio Clip onto the tempo map, the bar above the tempo map turns blue while CW appears to analyze the clip. Afterwards, nothing changes in the project - not the Tempo and map, the measures still don't align, etc. I do notice a brief label appear on the clip during the process w/ the word Melodyne. Should I assume CW launches the pre-installed run-time 30 day trial version of Melodyne to do the task? But because my Melodyne license expired (didn't pay the $99 fee) the tempo change process doesn't complete? And if that's the case, all the CW user docs state that I can use AudioSnap to Sync Project Tempo to an Audio Clip - but that doesn't happen either. See this link of attempt to use AudioSnap ( click here )
  3. Hi folks! Cakewalk recently added the PC2A Module, Tempo Track, Tempo Inspector, and Bandlab Integration! So - I took a look! WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/w-soe5wLKH0
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