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  1. Cakewalk saves the day. I use cakewalk a lot, Import an existing (variable tempo) audio file. The intent is all other audio/midi tracks should follow the varying tempo of the imported "reference audio" track. I want the DAW to use the tempo map of the imported audio for all subsequent tracks. Cakewalk, with ARA and Melodyne essential, allows you to select an audio track or a clip from it, and drag and drop it on the tempo ruler; Then it calculates a very accurate tempo map from it, and then I can set all other (imported) audio tracks to "follow project tempo" If I want to export the Tempo map that ARA/Melodyne created (drag n drop), the simple step is. Select, drag and drop the audio track with the new tempo map just created, and drop that audio on a blank midi file, it will approximate the midi from the audio, and will incorporate the tempo map that was created from that audio track. Next step is to select that midi track and "export as standard midi" then store it where you can find it. Once that is done, exit CWbB. Find the exported midi file, then tell it to "open-with" and select CWbB.. CW comes up and populates 1 midi track, and if you check the temp-map list in the inspector, you will see the tempo varying map. Now you're set to add midi, and audio, and force the extra audio to "Follow Project Tempo" and now everything is lined up. The next test, with this exported Midi file, I should be able to "open with" Studio One, and it should come up with one midi track and populate the project tempo map of Studio One. Perhaps this also works in Pro Tools. but in both cases, when those DAWs start, there should be no other thing there other than the midi file. NOTE: you cannot import that midi file and have the tempo map extracted, it only works when you click the midi file, and 'open with' CWbB. I tested this. And also, a note, if you start an instance of CWbB, but let it stay blank (no audio/midi) tracks; then go to the file manager, and select the exported midi file, and 'open with' CWbB, it will still work, the CWbB session must be blank (you can have your busses, but NO tracks; empty.. Now, can I import the tempo map from the exported midi file created by CWbB and import it into Studio One.. will that work? Stay tuned.
  2. Hi fellow CbB users. I've run into an issue where I have finished recording all the analogue instruments and now decided to speed up certain sections. When I do this the analogue audio starts to glitch all over the place. I want to be able to speed up in places and slow down in others (as if it were a live recording). I've read about tempo maps but cant find anything within the documentation that describes how to do this for analogue AND synth/midi based instruments. I can, for example use the tempo map to increase the tempo of the EZ Drummer track but the audio might or might not follow suit but always glitches (to the point that all controls become unresponsive and I have to force quit through Task Manager - Windows 10 fully patched, cakewalk fully patched). Anyone out there that can lead me by the nose on how to do it or confirm that its not possible to use a tempo map on the fly like this? Many thanks GBT
  3. Hello, I am following the instructions here https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Tempo.12.html I am dragging a click audio file to the tempo to the time ruler and it doesn't change anything after trying every algorithm. I have tried several different audio files and it doesn't do anything, as thiss feature is not working. BTW, the documentation doesn't load the images and the web certification is expired.
  4. What am I doing wrong? In my dropbox link to a screen recording ( click here ) I have an 80 BPM audio click track clip in a new CW project set at the Default 120 BPM. When I drag the click track Audio Clip onto the tempo map, the bar above the tempo map turns blue while CW appears to analyze the clip. Afterwards, nothing changes in the project - not the Tempo and map, the measures still don't align, etc. I do notice a brief label appear on the clip during the process w/ the word Melodyne. Should I assume CW launches the pre-installed run-time 30 day trial version of Melodyne to do the task? But because my Melodyne license expired (didn't pay the $99 fee) the tempo change process doesn't complete? And if that's the case, all the CW user docs state that I can use AudioSnap to Sync Project Tempo to an Audio Clip - but that doesn't happen either. See this link of attempt to use AudioSnap ( click here )
  5. Versions prior to 2021.04, e.g. 2020.098, had a feature labeled "Step" in the "Insert Series of Tempo Changes" menu that does not show up in my upgraded version of Cakewalk. (Photo attached.) I would always set the Step Command to .01 when doing tempo mapping, and everything from Sonar 5 to 2020.098 has worked great. This Step feature eliminated the stair-stepping effect that occurs when changing tempos that were not simply abrupt, immediate shifts to a new tempo. I interpreted the Step command as controlling the resolution of the math involved in making minute changes to tempos over time, and I always reset the Step to .01 with the acknowledgement that this change placed more calculating stress on the CPU... but I never had any problems. The readout calculations would appear resolved to .001. I have been working with polytemporal music for the past 14 years, which involves simultaneously changing tempos in several different instruments over an extended period of time. The changes are likely to involve a gradual "shifting" to a new tempo, and are to be accomplished as smoothly as possible. In the composition stage, I obviously work only with MIDI, which has, so far, never stressed my CPU. I also use an external hardware sampler, SPDIF, and an internal sound card to keep the processing clean and reduce latency, although I now assume I could probably shift to the Instrument-Softsynth/VST/USB approach without introducing latency problems. At present, the MIDI tracks -- once rendered to audio -- are then incorporated into other time-based media (such as video and visual timing mechanisms), which means that maintaining the highest precision is important. It's been visually difficult to check for stair-stepping using the new Tempo Mapping system because of restrictions on display real estate. I have always used Cakewalk in the past because of its "full page" Tempo Mapping view and extremely malleable approach. Is there a way to get back to minimizing stair-stepping by incorporating a Step command in these newer version? On page 390 of the Reference Guide, I found a topic called Tempo Map Decimation, and I don't know if it is relevant to my question. Apparently, the Tempo Map Decimation can be reset to 3 different values. It involves making a modification to the cakewalk.ini file. But before I do that, I wanted to make sure I understood the consequences of making such a change. I don't understand how the tolerance being set to 1/16, 1/32 or 1/64 could be as precise as reducing the Step resolution to .010 or .001. A reduction in the Step value to .010 or .001 would seem to be more precise than a reduction to 1/64 of the beat (note) value. And is the reliability of the calculations not affected by the base tempo of the composition, e.g. resolving the tolerance to a tempo working around at 80 BPM verses one working around 200 BPM? I'm starting to run some tests with the new track-view/node envelope system. If any has worked through this resolution problem, or if I can get some feed-back on the elimination of the Step option, I would appreciate hearing from you. Thank you for your response.
  6. Maybe I don't understand the otherwise excellent new tempo map. Any ideas on why a "delete hole" would behave like this? Sorry for the big images.
  7. Hi folks! A number of viewers have asked about changing time signatures and tempo in a song, so here is a 'How to' WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/mXK6T9fpMtQ
  8. How about letting users export the Tempo List as a Tempo Map? I'm talking 3 steps: 1) Click Export, 2) Give an option to choose Tempo Map, 3) Press Okay or Save. Meanwhile, I'm trying to collaborate with someone who uses Pro Tools and he requested a tempo map. But I'm not seeing that within Cakewalk. I thought exporting a MIDI file Type 0 would include tempo shifts. And while it seems to do that, the end result is clunky. I chose my MIDI drum track. And even though the drums don't start until measure 7, I dragged the MID clip to the start of the song....meaning the clip starts at zero and shows no MIDI notes until measure 7. But guess what: The exported MIDI file places the start of the song at measure 7. That didn't make me look good or make what I provided user friendly. After the fact, I see I could have said the tempo starts at 120, then at measure 20 changes to 100, then at 50 changes to 85, and finally at 100 goes back to 120. But do I really have to do that?!?
  9. If you enable audiosnap and edit a clip's tempo map to sync transients with musical beats, the editing is not saved with the project and when you reopen it, all the work done is lost. I found this thread in the old forum, where it can be deduced that the bug was reported in 2017, but has not been fixed yet: http://forum.cakewalk.com/FindPost/3623086 English is not my mother language, so I find it difficult to explain the bug in detail, please read the above thread for a better explanation of the problem. To the bakers: is there any chance the bug will be fixed in one of the upcoming releases? I know I can use melodyne to create a tempo map from an audio file, but in this case it's a piece of classical music which requires surgical adjustments, which I think are possible only editing the tempo map with audiosnap
  10. I have one MIDI track recorded with lots of tempo changes, but with the meteronome set to 120bpm throughout. I created a second MIDI track and manually inserted a note on every beat in the music. Each track starts at 1:01:000, contains a single clip, and is the same length. I select the second track, and invoke Process->Fit improvisation. Nothing happens, no momentary UI freeze, no change to either track, no popup message. I think I'm following the directions to the letter, except that I didn't "record" the second track from the keyboard, but its event list is just a big long list of Note events and nothing else. What could I be doing wrong?
  11. I received a guitar track from a guitarist with an idea he said was recorded at 120 bpm. So I imported the file, and inserted some midi drums.. Was not quite 120 bpm. I then dragged the "irregular" guitartrack onto the timeline. ...calculating.. And I now had a slightly different AND dynamic tempo map. Drums following nicely. Only tried it once, so I am insecure. I never could imagine this would be possible. Is it? Or am I experiencing a lucky coincidence?
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