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  1. I am developing a template but have been unable to find info on disabling a VST from loading into ram. I use BBC SO, GPO 5, easrwest string orch much more than my other orch Vst's. Generally use a number of articulations and various Vst instruments, but not in every project Is there a way to have a folder w/ eastwest present, but w/o it being loaded into ram? Willard
  2. Afternoon all, Hope you're well! I've been using Cakewalk for a number of months now and find it to be an excellent DAW for working on musical projects so big love for the developers. I was wondering whether there is any way of saving different track orders? Similarly to how you can save snapshots of what is available on the screen. For example I have a template project with groups of tracks such as keys, bass, guitars, orchestral, etc etc. This is useful for recording but when I'm mixing I'd like to be able to see a different view, such as all the instruments in a low range grouped together; ideally sorting the whole thing by frequency ranges. What methods could I use to make this easier visually? I realise automation would be virtually impossible but if I could manually template it'd make life so much easier. Best wishes, Matthew
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