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  1. I'm now upgrading to using a newer computer, faster etc. I'm going to reinstall older Sonar programs (to get ALL the previous addons, plug-ins, 3rd party programs, which is what I want) but do I HAVE to install them in sequenced order of their number (X1, X2, X3 then Platinum and finally CWB)? Or can I install them in any order? I ask bc I already installed Platinum and CWB following the recommendation for previous Sonar owners but am still missing some content from previous Sonar versions. I want them all. Do I now have to start over and uninstall the Platinum and CWB and start again with installing IN ORDER the Sonar X1, on up etc? I hope not because then I think it will likely require me to erase some registry entries. I don't want to mess up my registry or my Cakewalk functionality. Just hoping someone here has done the same thing and has experience to know how I should proceed to avoid hassles. OR... how to get the old Command Center to do them all for me..? So far it will default to Platinum and I can't get it to do the same for the other Sonar products I own. Thanks.
  2. Dear Cakewalk Experts and Users, For years, every time I've gotten a new version of SONAR or Music Creator, I've been delighted to discover that previous DXi instruments and effects have magically appeared in the new versions of the program as I upgraded. Cakewalk by Bandlab did not do this. Now, I confess, that on my new laptop I had downloaded and installed Bandlab before I installed my old versions of Cakewalk. There are two problems. First, I can't register my previous versions because the Cakewalk site won't send me a password. I always forget passwords so with each new computer I've relied on that feature. Secondly, I have over 300 recording projects representing 1000's of hours of work, and if can't register my old versions, or (failing that) import the old DXi engines that I used on 100's of projects, I won't be able to edit my old songs when the mood strikes me. If this topic has already been addressed, I apologise. I know how to install and add VST plugs and so on, but the DXi I'm bewildered by. Any help will be appreciated. Kind regards, W. Cameron Bastedo
  3. I am very new at ANY work with DAWs, even though I bought several versions of Cakewalk in the past and had high hopes of learning it back then. (I actually used Cakewalk way back in the mid 90s to record keyboard tracks, but you couldn't record guitar or vocals). I bought Sonar Power Studio 250 YEARS ago. Then I bought installation disc to Sonar 8 and updated to 8.5 in 2009. Then I downloaded an update to Sonar X1 in 2013, and bought a Gateway Desktop to put it in. I never ended up really learning how to use Sonar, and got away from it, and just worked on concerts. Back in 2014, Cakewalk had advised users to migrate any previous registrations to their new account platform that would combine the web store, the user forum, and features from cakewalk.com all within one account to log into. I didn’t see that, and never did this. And now, I cannot get a new account, as they are gone. So, the ONLY hard disc that I actually have is for the Power Studio 250. I still have Sonar X1 in my Windows 8 computer, and finally going to learn how to use a DAW, with my Zoom L-12 sound board as an interface. My question to you is… which of these ideas should I do: 1 Keep Windows 8 (which I hate), and still have Sonar X1 installed, just in case i ever learn to use it, and also install other DAWs, like Cakewalk by BandLab, (which I can't seem to download with Win 8 yet) OR 2 Install Win 10, lose Sonar X1, and download new free DAWs like Cakewalk by BandLab, Pro Tools FREE (which I apparently can download because I bought a MOX6 keyboard some years back), PreSonus Prime, etc… to see which brand works best for my needs. How does Cakewalk by BandLab compare with Sonar X1? I want to use my Zoom L-12 sound board as a 14 track interface, and record my songs into it, and have them also go into a DAW on my desktop, so I can tweek the tracks in the DAW. Will Cakewalk by BandLab work for that? Thanks so much! Stay safe!!
  4. Since Cakewalk Sonar is out of business, I have decided to switch to another DAW, Presonus Studio One, instead of continuing with BandLab Cakewalk. However, there will be times when I will want to import the audio and MIDI tracks from some of my old Sonar projects for continued refinement in Studio One. I already found out and tested how to do this from my existing PC – no problem. But I will be buying a new computer soon (discarding my existing one) so I am left with two choices, either: 1. Install my old Sonar X1 app from disks into a new Windows 10 computer and export the audio and MIDI tracks from select Sonar projects, or 2. Download and install the free (correct?) Bandlab Cakewalk app, open up old .cwp project files in it and export the audio and MIDI tracks from there. Which method will be simpler and most efficient? I read that I should be able to install the old Sonar X1 app into a Windows 10 computer but I wonder about the problems I will run into. Will I need to “register” Sonar again? But how can this be done considering Cakewalk is no longer in business? Regarding the second method, I have read there are issues importing old .cwp files into BandLab Cakewalk. Also once in Bandlab Cakewalk, I don’t know if I can export the audio and MIDI tracks from a project as easily as I can do it from the old Cakewalk Sonar. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
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