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  1. Dear Cakewalk Experts and Users, For years, every time I've gotten a new version of SONAR or Music Creator, I've been delighted to discover that previous DXi instruments and effects have magically appeared in the new versions of the program as I upgraded. Cakewalk by Bandlab did not do this. Now, I confess, that on my new laptop I had downloaded and installed Bandlab before I installed my old versions of Cakewalk. There are two problems. First, I can't register my previous versions because the Cakewalk site won't send me a password. I always forget passwords so with each new computer I've relied on that feature. Secondly, I have over 300 recording projects representing 1000's of hours of work, and if can't register my old versions, or (failing that) import the old DXi engines that I used on 100's of projects, I won't be able to edit my old songs when the mood strikes me. If this topic has already been addressed, I apologise. I know how to install and add VST plugs and so on, but the DXi I'm bewildered by. Any help will be appreciated. Kind regards, W. Cameron Bastedo
  2. I have a complex microtonal computer program system a geek friend built for me off of Sonar 2.2, which could then be used by me to compose in 53-eq. It is so customized, no other program or version can make it work. My computer died, and my tech friend also passed away last year. I have torn my house apart and can't find the original 2.2 program, and it is so old, BandLab doesn't have access to a copy of it either. Does anyone have the old disc for Sonar 2.2? I was a Cakewalk customer, doing updates from the late 1980s to 2017. Would love your help any way you can! This is the book I just published using that customized program: http://53music.us Thank you, Chris Mohr
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