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  1. Hey hey ^^ Has anyone of you any experience with sonar/cakewalk and sidechaining with a multiband compressor? Here´s what I wanna do: I have a Bus called Submix which I wanna apply multiband compression on but the Compressor is controlled by the singal of a vocal track inserted via sidechaining. I already tried my luck with the Waves C6 sidechain plugin bit no matter where I put it (FX bin, ProChannel FX bin in Bus or Track), it doesn´t show up in my available "sends". I can manage to build a sidechain setup with ProChannel Compressors, like the CA 2A, but I´m not able to establish the same setup with the C6. Any ideas? Thank you! 😄
  2. Hi, I was mixing for a 2hour long Audiobook.It consists of a vocal track and another for background music (mp3 file). I wanted to add Automatic level gain to the background music (mp3 file) when the transition takes place between 2 dialogues . As seen in the snap ,each dialogue consists of an audioclip and should be raised whenever a transition takes place from one vocal clip to another. Since cakewalk comes with advanced effects like a side chain compressor for level gain between sounds ,I was wondering if their is any way to achieve the same effect on Audioclips. Thanks.
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