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  1. This is a WEIRD one! Hi folks! For NO APPARENT REASON, the shortcut to Cakewalk (or any Cakewalk product, like my old SONAR Platinum) on my system doesn't call up the program anymore! But this is ONLY happening to the shortcuts that are located on the desktop?! I can call up the program ANY OTHER way, just not from the shortcut icon on the desktop. When I navigate via Explorer to the Desktop shortcut, no problem. When I create a shortcut on the C-Drive's Desktop Folder (located in C/USER/NAME/DESKTOP it will launch from that folder, just not my E-Drive's Desktop, where my real active shortcuts are all based, as I MOVED the Desktop to the other (E) Drive. I had a similar problem a while back with my DESKTOP not being accessible through Quick Access and did a relocate of my Desktop from one drive to another. That worked, but I barely remember the details of that operation. If anyone has suggestions based on their experience, that would be great! Thanks! M
  2. So it's easy to insert a row, but what about a 'column' or a blank 'bar' or beat...at, say, beat/bar 4? This would then move what was in beat/bar 4 to beat/bar 5? - Unfortunately, I don't think this functionality exists, but I wanted to ask before I request it become a new feature.
  3. Hey Group-- I'm going back into some older tracks I created to remix them, and man, what was I thinking with how I setup my workspace? I've run into a little snag that I'm sure someone here knows how to solve. Don't ask me how (or why) but I have my track view window sized as such that I can't access the little mag lever to reduce the horizontal view. If I go full screen, or the middle from minimized, it's just below my monitors viewable area and I can't get to it. Is there a KB combination/shortcut where I can reduce the horizontal track view? Thanks!
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