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  1. Hello Bandlabers. First time around I'm actually trying to use the ARRANGER TRACK... and it's not going to well for me so far... Trying to use that feature to cut/organize VO tracking. (So using arranger sections to identify "clips" and "portion" of the narration associated with a PowerPoint Slide) I have a high number of section in my arranger track (about 55 sections). But I am only encountering problems to finish my work: Trying to commit the arranger track and insert it to the timeline - Bandlab hangs. Trying to export the SECTIONS of my project in separated clips (aggangement not "commited"): Somehow the audio files got re-inserted in the project's timeline and created a mess (had to back to an auto-version backup to recover a usable project...) So i'm starting to guess my problems might be related to my high number of sections... Is anybody else using the ARRANGER in a kind of "per clip" workflow instead of a "per song" workflow? Maybe I just didn't choose the right tool for the job, but it just seemed logical to try it... Thanks!
  2. Hi: I'm experiencing troubles when renaming a section: Blb hangs for ever.
  3. Hi , First of all , thanks a lot for giving us this really helpful feature for arrangement handling. This puts Cakewalk now on par with other DAWs like Studio One that had this feature. But I got into a major block for me to use it on my previous projects. If I make a section and copy it and paste that section to elsewhere in the timeline. The copy does not include various bus automation that was applied for the given region , especially volume automation. I tried it in 2 projects so far with the same issue. I like to work with a lot of buses and also use bus automation , so much that it has now become a part of my workflow. Now if only the bus automation would also be copied with the section in the arranger , it would be perfect.
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