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  1. I was recently plagued by glitches and pops in the playback on my Scarlett 2nd Generation 6i6. It has haunted be for over a month until i finally caved in and contacted Focusrite support. I had a chat with support engineer Jac Cheung on January 18th 2020. After hearing my symptoms, he recommended the following: 1) downloaded Focusrite Control - version (or newer) from their website https://focusrite.com/downloads 2) disconnect the USB cable between your focusrite USB Audio device and the computer 3) uninstall any previous Focusrite software and drivers from 'add remove programs' in the windows control panel (or settings in win10) 4) install the new Focusrite Control 3.5.0 (downloaded at step 1) 5) After finishing the installation, connect the unit back to the system 6) This will upgrade the firmware on your Scarlett audio device to version 1583 Apparently, installing 'Focusrite Control' does 3 things: * Install Focusrite Control (which enables you to configure your in/outputs) * Install the latest device driver (at the time of writing version 4.63.24) * Upgrades the firmware of the audio device (at the time of writing build 1583) According to Focusrite installing this will mainly improve stability for Scarlett 2nd Generation 6i6, 18i8, 18i20 interfaces. I can confirm that following these instructions has resolved the glitches and pops that i heard. My audio sounds great again! Hopefully this will help out others facing the same frustrations. Should anyone reading this still have issues after trying the procedure describes above, as a last resort, my might want to try your luck with the latest BETA driver that can be downloaded from http://beta.focusrite.com (which i found in some Reddit post). But you can also do what i did and contact Focusrite support to see if they can fix your problem, From my experience they are surprisingly capable. Cheers, SABO-FX
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