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  1. Hi, I am using Roland Quad-Capture since 2018 as it was recommended by a few fellow Cakewalk users. It has consistently worked perfectly. Audio dropped a few times after Microsoft updates for Windows 10 installed, and I had to uninstall the driver and reinstall it again. As of the last Windows 10 update, the Roland plays audio, whether it's from an MP3, Wave, Cakewalk, YouTube, etc., and the audio drops and the Roland powers down. Now it isn't working at all. I reached out to Roland, and they said it's a driver issue. When I power down and reboot, the Roland powers up and when I attempt to play audio, it powers down again. I am curious if anyone is having or has had similar issues with the Quad Capture? Thanks in advance for your help.
  2. FYI - I have an Edirol UM-2 (by Roland) and Roland stopped supporting it at while ago, however by following the procedures listed here ... http://johnwarburton.net/blog/?p=25289 Or here https://www.tenforums.com/drivers-hardware/15790-share-successfully-installing-edirol-um-2-windows-10-a.html You can leave to change to the .inf file as windows 10 (no need to enter 11) and very important to turn off memory integrity setting like this on Windows 11 ... https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/a-driver-can-t-load-on-this-device-8eea34e5-ff4b-16ec-870d-61a4a43b3dd5 And it works again. What I'm not sure of if it will still work if I turn memory integrity back on again and reboot?
  3. A forced computer upgrade caused me to have to start building my DAW up from scratch again. Unfortunately, I cannot find a copy of Roland VR-760 definitions file (ins file). Anyone out there have a copy? Thanks in advance, Tom
  4. Good day - apologies if I don't use exact or correct terms to explain my issue; any assistance welcome. For playback I sometimes copy Track 10 (Drums) from the standard midi and paste the notes on Si-Drum Kit which I added as an additional track; thereafter I mute track 10 and use SI-DrumKit for the drums (which to me sound better and offers FX. THE PROBLEM: When I playback the music there seems to be a misalignment on the timing - the music paying on my Roland keyboard seems to either fast or slow by milliseconds; when I play track 10 and the SI-DrumKit at the same time I can also hear that they are not exactly the same. MY QUESTION: Is there some settings in Cakewalk or adjustments that can be made to handle this problem? Or am I just being crazy. I'm running the software on a Intel i7 10th Generation, 32GB RAM and NVME HDD -- so I believe processing power is not an issue. The interface to the keyboard is a Roland (UM-One). Any suggestions welcome. Thank you! PS: I've experienced similar problem when playing with SoundFonts combining the Roland with PC Audio.
  5. Hi, I'm using Windows 10. My goal is to make a control map for my Roland A-800Pro midi controller to enable full operation of Cakewalk. Currently, I'm having trouble assigning my transport buttons to their Cakewalk equivalents. I read elsewhere that it takes two kinds of software to fully operate the A-Pro (at least in Cakewalk). The A-Pro Editor and the A-Pro Control Surface plug-in. The latter appears to be unattainable as the website went stale and the account creation was disabled. https://www.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/2007012938/A-PRO-Control-Surface-Plug-in-1-0-1 In addition, the official Roland website states that the Windows 10 driver for the A-Pro midi controller does not support the plug-in for Cakewalk. https://www.roland.com/global/support/support_news/2849/#midikey My questions: 1. Is there another website where I can download the A-Pro Control Surface plug-in? 2. If the Windows 10 driver does not support the plug-in, is there an alternative? 3. If no plug-in is available, are there alternative methods to assigning my transport controls, etc.? Please explain. Thank you.
  6. Yes, I'm a complete newbie when it comes to working with MIDI keyboards and DAWs. So, please have patience for a question that is probably in one of the manuals somewhere, but to my frustration must be glossing by it. My setup is a Roland RD700 hooked through a Focusrite 4i4 (3rd Gen). I do have both the MIDI and the audio hooked up to the keyboard. I created a MIDI track in Cakewalk by dragging over the Cakewalk TTS-1 plugin and can even record the track using the selected sound - in this case a simple piano. The other day, I selected "something" (that is the mystery - how I got there) where my Roland was not playing any other sound than what I had selected in my MIDI track. Even the LED screen on my Roland showed that it was under control of the Cakewalk software. I didn't touch anything on the keyboard to do that, it was something in the Cakewalk software. Well, I come back two days later and I cannot get back to that state. When I play, I hear both the MIDI sound AND the audio being generated from the Roland. I saved everything after my first session, but it didn't come back to the same place. I just want to get back to my position where I was recording MIDI and not hearing my Roland's output as well. Any pointers to documentation or help is appreciated. Thanks!
  7. First of all, thanks to BandLab for letting us use Cakewalk for free. After Roland HP603 came into my house, I felt the internet has no instrument definition file for it. Since the user manual is lack of information about MIDI, I've tried bank/patching manually in Cakewalk. However, it was not easy to know how it works. By digging into MIDI and Cakewalk instrument definition file structure, I've made what I want; changing instruments with a couple of clicks. Here is Roland HP603 instrument definition file. I hope someone could save his/her time for producing music with HP603. If you want to make an ins file, I'll give you my tools for reference(some python scripts). Installation: -------------------------------------------------------- 1. Download the attached file to your computer and rename it to 'Roland HP603.ins' (This forum doesn't allow attaching a file with .ins extension) 2. Open Cakewalk by BandLab. 3. Go to Edit -> Preferences. 4. In the left side find 'Instruments' under MIDI section. 5. Your instrument will be shown in the Output/Channel if it was connected. 6. Click 'Define...' button. 7. Another dialogbox will be shown. Click 'Import...' button. 8. Choose saved file (C:\Users\user\Downloads\Roland HP603.ins). 9. Click 'Roland HP603' and 'OK' button. 10. Click 'Close' button. 11. Select your instrument from channel 1 to 16 on the left hand side. 12. Click 'Roland HP603' on the right hand side. 13. Click 'Apply' and 'OK'. Simplifying Cakewalk .ins file structure: -------------------------------------------------------- .Patch Names [BankName-A] ProgramNumber=ProgramName ... [BankName-B] ProgramNumber=ProgramName ... .Instrument Definitions [InstrumentName] Patch[BankNumber1]=BankName-A Patch[BankNumber2]=BankName-B ... BankNumber = CC#0 * 128 + CC#32 ProgramNumber = PC Caveats: -------------------------------------------------------- 1. Feel free to change whatever you need. 2. Drum patch is not tested(my holiday is over!) References: -------------------------------------------------------- MIDI Specification https://www.midi.org/specifications http://www.music-software-development.com/midi-tutorial.html MIDI Programming(python, c#) https://www.pygame.org/ https://pypi.org/project/python-rtmidi/ https://mido.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/multimedia/musical-instrument-digital-interface--midi HP603 MIDI Implementation http://cms.rolandus.com/assets/media/pdf/INFOCUS01_MIDI.pdf https://static.roland.com/assets/media/pdf/LX_HP_KF-10_GP_DP_RP102_FP-10_MIDI_Imple_eng04_W.pdf Cakewalk ins file https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR X2&language=3&help=Instrument_Defs.07.html http://www.raisedbar.co.uk/InsDef.htm http://www.heikoplate.de/mambo/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=426&Itemid=63 Roland HP603.ins.txt
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