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  1. Hired Gun is a move documentary about what it takes to become a top level in demand musician for hire . An elite group of "First Call, A-List" musicians share their incredible behind-the-scenes stories of touring, what it takes to play next to the world’s most iconic musicians, and create some of the world's most popular songs. I just got done watching this film and I have to say wow . This movie was a must see for me . I'm here to share and put the word out for anyone who hasn't seen or heard of it. I got the copy I watched from my library and I know this movie is listed on Netflix ...where else I do not know ...great stories great playing and a very sobering look at the bizz from the players that have lived it . Here's a couple of u tubes trailers for those who want to know more . Last but not least , here is a link to an article titled 10 quotes from Hired Gun . The web page contains a few more videos . https://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/10-quotes-from-hired-gun-that-show-just-how-much-freelancers-rock-stars-have-in-common.html all the best Kenny
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