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  1. I've reinstalled Sonar 8.5 LE on an upgraded PC, together with the studio instruments that came with it. SI Drums installed ok and I inserted the reg code after running as administrator, so that works fine, but Rapture will not allow me to run it as administrator so I cannot insert the reg code. I've tried various routes to run as administrator, including via the command prompt, but nothing works, and time is running out before the 30 day trial is up. Any suggestions please?
  2. Trying out the demo of Rapture Pro, I'm learning about large pitch bends. I thought this would be easier, but I'm ashamed I have to ask for help on this. Rapture handles typical pitch bends (instrument bend range defaulted to 2), normally. However, I'm having difficulty managing larger pitch bends... First, in the Controller pane, I draw a Wheel line from 0 - 8,192. Then, once I set the UP knob higher than 2, that overrides every RPN level I'd set in the controller pane. Perfect for one static bend range throughout the track, but certainly not open to flexibility for multiple ranges programmed in the track. So I can't set varied ranges, because that UP knob set to 24; every pitch bend on the track will go the full two octaves. This setting doesn't leave the track open to a variety of pitch bends, just one set to 24 notes. May I please get some insight on this function? Is there another step I'm missing to set variable RPN's/bends in a Rapture instrument track? Screenshots included: a) Two test pitch bent notes, drawn to 8,192, each rising to the key of the next note, b) the Perform section of the instrument Element window, defaulted to 2. First note bend rises by one octave; the third note bend rises two octaves. Thank you in advance.
  3. Hi everyone, I'm a new user here, just recently downloading Cakewalk by Bandlab for a windows install on a new SSD. I have been using Sonar Professional for a while now, with Rapture Session installed. According to documentation I found, it seems that this software is still supported so long as it is installed on the same system. I have been trying to re-download this software on the Cakewalk site, but I no longer remember my password there, and I'm not receiving the password reset email when i click the link, either. Does anyone know of a way to still get support for this account, or otherwise re-download the software? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
  4. Hi, I know this might be a long shot but does anyone have the above files for Rapture (it's specifically the Rapture versions that I need, not Rapture Pro, Dim Pro or any of the other expression engine synths). Unlike some of the other CW synths listed above these sfz's don't seem to be created on install but will still be read and override the internal defaults if created. Rene distributed example files a couple of times on the old CW forums to help out users experiencing problems but the links are now long dead and unfortunately not archived in the wayback machine. If anyone has a copy of those two files tucked away somewhere, I'd love to see the contents. I want them mostly to help in deciphering the eg, lfo and 'expanded cc' settings but also thought it might be nice to play around with different settings until I come up with a set of defaults that I want to keep permanently, if that makes sense). i don't want to just roll my own without basing it on an existing template though, for fear of breaking something without realising it. TIA!
  5. So, what an interesting surprise it has been, coming back and catching up on the Cakewalk news of the last 3 years after taking a long break from any sound and music production. I invested a lot on STEAM with Sonar, its upgrades, sample libraries and some plugins. When I originally saw that Cakewalk was acquired and that Sonar was being killed off, I basically came to terms and tried my best to forget about my investments and I have since distanced myself from any form of audio production, until now. Slowly getting back into this world and trying to piece back together the pieces... I was quite amazed to realize that Sonar Platinum has now basically been released for free with support. This excited me and I immediately started researching how to get my other Sonar Platinum related purchases on STEAM working with Cakewalk by Bandlab, but it feels messy and it might have been false hope... First off, I tried re-installing Sonar Platinum with a Lifetime pass on STEAM, but it requests my email address which is then rejected with this error message: At this point I discovered Cakewalk by Bandlab and how to install it. At first, I was satisfied with my loss with this replacement, but what about all of the plugins etc. ? I read on other forums that Cakewalk by Bandlab should easily discover and utilize your previous Sonar Platinum plugins, but it seems like it would only if you never uninstalled Steam Platinum after it died. I have not tried installing all of my purchases yet, but these are the issues I have encountered so far; CA-2A Leveling Amplifier: Rapture Session & Pro: Has anyone else here successfully migrated from STEAM with full use of their previous purchases? Should I give up, or is there a way to continue where I left off? Thanks for reading, I hope someone can have some useful feedback.
  6. Hello ! it will be more than 8 months since I have a valid license key for Sonar Home Studio and Cakewalk Rapture Session that I still can not use. I have a non active Cakewalk account and I was wondering if there would be a way to solve it. because I'd love to use Rapture Session
  7. Hello, I've had Rapture for a number of years. It was registered and everything was fine until recently. Now it pops up(in Reaper)in demo mode and asks to register, except the register box is greyed out and it states that I have not signed on as an administrator. When I close everything and start again as an administrator Rapture opens, this time without the splash screen telling me the demo is over, so I assumed I'm back. The trouble is , even though I load a voice, there is no sound. I have tried everything but to no avail. Anyone had similar problems. I would appreciate any help on this. Regards, David
  8. Hello So, I'm searching on my DAW for a sort of glass/wind chime sound and I find a file name with the word glass in it. I open the file location and it's from a backup from a previous DAW. What do I see in the file path, but Rapture! I guess I didn't reinstall it or something because it's not in Cakewalk. I went to my Cakewalk account and there is Rapture Sessions with the SN and download link. I really don't know how I missed it. I'm going to install it tomorrow. Should I just install into the default folder location and then recan my VST folder for it to show up in CW, or is there anything special I need to do at this stage?
  9. Good morning everyone! I wanted to ask something. Will Rapture or z3ta ever be added to Cakewalk by Bandlab? I loved the demos of those programs! a greeting!
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