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  1. TL;DR: Do not trust the web version with a project with more than two or three tracks or you will likely end up where I am now - hours wasted and virtually nothing to show for it... I regret trying to use Cakewalk in Chrome. It stutters a lot while recording, for example, guitar. Further, volume settings do not stick and that makes it impossible to produce anything. Whether I freeze or not freeze all tracks but the one I'm trying to adjust, random tracks jump around in volume from inaudible to speaker-shattering. Sometimes volume changes I make to a track survive playback, but mostly they randomly change. Don't think you can make a MIDI drum track with separate objects for each measure - the stuttering is incredible and makes it mandatory to freeze the drum track, which takes several minutes. The drums also go out of sync randomly when not frozen. I wrote a new song I was excited to record and I foolishly tried to use the current versions of Cakewalk. Alas, the desktop version simply does not work at all (it launches but I get a spinning blue 'wait' mouse pointer circle that never changes) and the web version is too buggy to use. It makes me sad because I put ten or twelve hours into this project already and the best I can hope for is to export the individual tracks and try to get them into a separate project with my old copy of Sony Music Creator, which does everything right and has never let me down. For the record, the problem is not that my computer can't handle it - it has a 9700K and 32GB of memory. I never thought I'd use that much RAM until Bandlab assistant used almost 22GB after I had tried to close it and I had to use Task Manager to stop it. Seriously bad and dangerous programs; I wish I had not tried them.
  2. Hello I am not able to export clips in the proper order of my recording. Let me explain by going true the process. I use Cakewalk by Bandlab in my band, to record rehersals, (multitrack, 4 tracks). This is typically a 2-3h single take. I let the record run during the complete rehersal. After the rehersal, I do some minimal editing (volume, pan lef right, etc) I bounce to new track ( to get a single track of the mix) I place markers where ever there is a new jam beginning, new take or song. I split the new track with the "split clips/split at each marker" function. Then I select the clips in the new track and export them to MP3 via the "file/export" funtcion. --> this results in all clips being exported to an MP3 file, unfortunatly with a randomized sequence number. the rehersal is 'shuffled'. Not very usable and pretty confusing. What i tried to solve this: - I tried to rename the markers: no succes - I tried to split the bounced track manually, not using the markers: no succes - I tried to rename the clips with the option in the tracks menu "copy track(s) name(s) to clip(s) name(s): no succes. It is interesting however, because the sequence number added to the clips is also randomised. My workaround is manually rename the clips. This is a very tedious job and I would like to automize this. So I looked at short key options, that I can use to write a script of some sort. -> there is no shortcut key to select the next clip -> there is no shortcut key to rename the clip All of this leaves me with no options at all... except for manual labour. Can you give me a solution of some sort? Am I doing something wrong? Best regards
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