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  1. Hi - I just ran into this, helping a friend who just bought a new Intel-based laptop with a Thunderbolt 3 port, and a brand-spanking new Presonus Quantum 2626 Thunderbolt 3 audio interface (BEAUTIFUL, and a beast). Anyways, he reported to me hearing pretty evident pops and crackles for anything running through the Quantum 2626 headphones, so after trying a few obvious things, effects, latency, ASIO Buffer Size, etc., I had him run both the laptop and the interface up to me, so I could take a better look into things, and work through Sweetwater tech support, on his behalf, if needed. SO - after confirming the rather horrendous pops and crackles for myself, I did some digging, and found a promising article on the Presonus web site, which is at the following link: Presonus article on Quantum series interface pops and crackles Sure enough, when I followed the steps in the above article, downloading the little freeware utility program, and disabling a couple C-State Idle settings, and applying the changes, the pops and crackles instantly went away, so I consider the issue resolved and that should be that. I just thought I would post the issue and its solution here, in case anybody else had purchased one of the Presonus Quantum series Thunderbolt interfaces. (the new 2626 is brand new and really just starting to ship, as of 2 weeks ago). The article was from 2019, so may apply to earlier Quantum series audio interface models. Hope this helps someone else, too Bob Bone
  2. Hello everyone, I'm a newbie to all of this, so sorry if I wind up asking a poorly written question-- I'll do my best to help you help me. Earlier today I was strumming my guitar in the standalone TH2 plugin, when I noticed a not so subtle crackle as the notes rang out. When toggling the direct monitor mode on my Scarlett Solo, I found that the crackle completely vanished. After loading a fresh Bandlab project with no plugins I enabled input echo and found that the crackle remained. I plugged my guitar into a physical amp and heard no crackle. The headphones themselves have no crackle when playing audio. Altogether this phantom sizzle has left me stumped, and I'm not sure how to troubleshoot from here. Any advice is more than welcome, and I can provide additional details if necessary. I've noticed that the crackle is inconsistent too. Sometimes it's loud, while sometimes it's quiet. Sometimes it comes as a single crack, while other times it fizzles. --- CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600G RAM: 16 GB OS: Windows 11 Interface: 3rd gen Scarlett Solo
  3. Hello guys. I've got big problem with audio interface that makes me really freaked out. Recently I bought KA2 and in the first two days everything was ok. I installed audio drivers etc. But now when I open my project the sound is distortioned and there's a lot of clicks and pops. The same project I used to work on few days ago with no AI was working very well but now with AI I can't do a thing. The CPU with this project is approximately 50%. I don't think that it might be caused by apps running in the background (although when I am doing something on cakewalk I only use cakewalk) because as I said, before I started to using audio interface everything was working fine. I tried to listen to music on yt with AI and it's sounds ok. But on cakewalk it's distortioned.. (but two times I got situation that the sound on cakewalk was distortioned and it also affected the sound on yt). I noticed that sometimes I need to plugin AI a few times to make it work (maybe some problems with usb ports?). Do you guys have some idea what is the problem? What I should do? Maybe something with headphones? Adapter? USB ports? I also tried to set 2048 samples, freeze some tracks but nothing changes. I am considering returning audio interface to the shop if it's gonna be like that. Please help me guys.
  4. 'ello everyone, I'm new(ish) in these parts. As far as all things Cakewalk go, I'm a bit of a 'legacy act' -Lolz I've just switched from Sonar X3 to the bandLab outfit, which seems real nice in comparison, but as fate would have it (always), I'm 'busting my knuckles' already. Everything seems good and well, other than the driver config/settings. When I set it to ASIO, which is the proper mode for my get up, I don't see the proper inputs. The input selection window doesn't look right, I don't have the same 64 i/o's as before, and only show only 3. When I pick a 'lesser' driver mode, I see my input options as I'm supposed to, and can attempt to track, but pops and clicks abound (even with a buffer/latency increase). I'm running a Win 8.1 x64, i7 Quad 3.4, 8g Antelope Orion Studio HD I was tracking just fine in Sonar X3, fyi. Any help you fine folks can offer is MUCH appreciated! You know how it goes... of course I'm at the tail end of a tune. And if I can re-track the scratch bass line minus the crotchety clicks, she just might be a banger !! Thank you kindly good people, Ron
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