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  1. Hello everyone, I'm a newbie to all of this, so sorry if I wind up asking a poorly written question-- I'll do my best to help you help me. Earlier today I was strumming my guitar in the standalone TH2 plugin, when I noticed a not so subtle crackle as the notes rang out. When toggling the direct monitor mode on my Scarlett Solo, I found that the crackle completely vanished. After loading a fresh Bandlab project with no plugins I enabled input echo and found that the crackle remained. I plugged my guitar into a physical amp and heard no crackle. The headphones themselves have no crackle when playing audio. Altogether this phantom sizzle has left me stumped, and I'm not sure how to troubleshoot from here. Any advice is more than welcome, and I can provide additional details if necessary. I've noticed that the crackle is inconsistent too. Sometimes it's loud, while sometimes it's quiet. Sometimes it comes as a single crack, while other times it fizzles. --- CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600G RAM: 16 GB OS: Windows 11 Interface: 3rd gen Scarlett Solo
  2. Started a project, added some guitar, midi drums, etc. Closed cakewalk, when I came back, there is a crackle on all the audio in the project. This crackle happens whenever the amp devices show up in the device list in preferences, even if unchecked. It happens in all existing projects when they are loaded with the amp added, but doesn't affect a new project with the amp added until it is reloaded. "Turning it off and on again" doesn't help. The computer doesn't seem overworked from the graphics at the top, and I have tried everything that I could think of, so would love some help with this. Thanks
  3. I've noticed that if I add/create an audio track in my Cakewalk project, the file starts making a loud popping noise when I open it. After it's opened, it sounds fine, but just don't understand why it makes that noise when opening. Anyone know what is causing this?
  4. Hello again everyone, and thanks for reading this. Don't want to waste your time so I will get right to the question... I get irritating popping and crackling sounds with primarily kick, bass guitar, guitars on some of my projects and not on others. I follow pretty much the exact same way of recording and mixing on all songs but have noticed that I have this problem sometimes. With the kick, it isn't even a real kick but the Session Drummer kick. The bass and guitars are real in the sense that I go through an interface and use amp sims and/or DI box. I am not clipping on any tracks and I do use gain staging and a variety of plug ins. I have even turned the kick almost all the way down, in solo, and the pop/crackle is still there--same with the bass and guitars. I have 16 GB for processing and rarely have audio dropouts. I am curious if anyone else has had this same problem in the past and if so, how did you overcome this pop/crackle thing or does it still linger for you? I welcome any suggestions that you might have about this and hope that someone knows the answer. Thanks, Bob
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