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  1. I am on Windows Cakewalk 2004.02 Free Version I upgraded to this version a few weeks ago. a) I am puzzled by the behavior of Arranger Sections. I have a three MIDI tracks that play fine sending midi messages to my Korg PA600. I created three Arranger Segments (for testing). When I play any of these Arranger Segments, Playing starts on the Arranger Segment but keeps going instead of stopping at the end of the Segment. I have been using the Arranger for a while, but this seems to a be new behavior. b) I also created an arrangement. When I play it (with Loops or Without Loops) playing starts at the first segment and just keeps going forward instead of stopping at the first Segment and going to the next segment etc. c) Did anything change in the new Version. What configuration setting am I missing to get the normal/desired behavior of Arrangements? Is it that Arrangements defined on MIDI tracks do not work anymore? FYI, I imported the MIDI file into the project. Does that make any difference. Appreciate any tips on what is going on, and how to fix it. Thanks in Advance, Sri. P.S. I know that MIDI arranger sections can potential have due to: Some Notes being ON coming in from the Left and Some [other Notes] remaining ON going out from the Left. The Reference Manual even talks about correcting for these. But I do not see those Menus on my version! (Also see the attached screenshot)
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