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  1. Hello. I make simple mashups of songs for local drag shows. I am working with an mp3 that I am wanting to have slide up in pitch to transition into the next song which is in a higher key. All I am trying to do is make the final few seconds of the track slide up in pitch gradually, but quickly. I was hoping there was a way to apply keyframes to a pitch shift plugin similar to how volume automation works, however I cant figure out a way to have an effect come in on one clip, only how to apply it to the entire clip. I am new to Cakewalk to be patient, and keep it simple if possible. I don't need anything fancy.
  2. Hi everyone I've connected my Yamaha PSR E-373 to my laptop successfully but some of my midi tracks (drums, some piano etc) don't play very well and are playing at a different pitch. I intend to use my yamaha and its sounds as an audio track rather than a midi instrument, however when I do not tick the boxes in the midi settings my keyboard is playing at the correct pitch (and not the same pitch as the recordings). Originally the recordings were at the right pitch but with these settings its changed the pitch of ALL my projects. Further context: So I bought this new keyboard and had trouble connecting it to cakewalk because it would play back everything in the project (incl the metronome built in cakewalk) as I recorded. Previously I was on MME instead of WASAPI and output was Left instead of Stereo but a kind cakewalker helped me through. However now I'm having further issues with the pitch of my projects. Can anyone teach me how to properly connect my keyboard to cakewalk without any of these issues? Please help!! 😔 2024-05-04 20-15-25.mkv
  3. I wanted to test out changing the hertz for a solo black metal album I want to make, but I can't get the bass midi to change to 420 without having to screw with Melodyne and duct tape fix it to my cakewalk track. I have to go in Melodyne and individually pitch shift every single note, and that is incredibly tedious. Is there an easier way?
  4. I just had the strangest thing happen. While editing my song all of a sudden I noticed my song was playing back at a faster tempo and a higher pitch. I am not aware of making any changes like that and I wouldn't know how even if I wanted to. Even stranger, if I Export the audio, the audio file plays at the original tempo and pitch. I have no idea why my playback inside Cakewalk is doing this? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank You
  5. Perhaps something like this is there and I just haven't found it yet. Audacity has a type of track called a 'time track' and I use it occasionally. Wondering if there is something in CakeWalk like this that I haven't found yet. If not, then perhaps something that could be introduced. I know Melodyne works with pitch, and can utilize the automation lane, but this would be more for speed (which would also effect pitch).
  6. I'm really enjoying Cakewalk, just realized it was available recently. So much fun. Been using Audacity for some time now and will continue to have many uses for it. Yet there is so many more options now with Cakewalk. I play a lever harp, and do some keyboards with it. This piece is harp only and one of the first things I did with Cakewalk. I ran this one through Audacity before rendering to add a "time track" to get that detune pitch change effect throughout. I am working on a remake of this one and haven't found a suitable option to replicate that within Cakewalk. Melodyne theoretically could work with an automation lane for pitch, but haven't messed with Melodyne on the harp yet, could get really weird, but I'll try it out. I'll post the remake whenever I am done with it to compare the outcome and see how the automation lane will work. The entire B-Side in this set of recordings is in the process of being remade as an A-Side. (If wondering, no not flat, harp tuned to A=421.6 Time signature roughly, 23/4 tempo around 104.) https://adalheidisdainaaletheia.bandcamp.com/track/b-04-hph-session-02-01-2022 or https://soundcloud.com/adalheidisdainaaletheia/b-04-hph-session-02-01-2022-adalheidis-daina-aletheia
  7. Hello. I'm wondering if it is possible to configure pentagrams with microtonal tunning, or just keeping the different tunning of another tunnings like well tempered or Pythagoric scale. I have some synthetizers which allow you to do this kind of things. It sometimes help to get different colors in music, and also helps for contemporary music composition. Regards.
  8. Hello everybody! How can I strecth an audio file/track to fit my project tempo without changing the pitch? I used ctrl+shift to stretch and then bounce to clip. When the strecth it's just to adjust small bpm variations (from -5/+5 for example) I can't hear a pitch difference but if i stretch more things gets noticeable. Is there a way in cakewalk like in other DAWs to mantain the original pitch? Or are there free plugins to do that?
  9. As gain and pan envelopes, I would like to change the pitch via envelope (no changing the whole pitch for the entire clip). With this we'll be able to make "a kind" of tape stop effect (for example). I think there is no other way to do it, right?
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