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  1. Hey all! After being ITB for 10+ years I'm back to using some hardware again, with the classic monitoring and latency issues. 😂 Is there any way I can compensate for the latency that is introduced when monitoring external hardware synths with VST effects? Can I use the Cakewalk external hardware insert plugin (if yes, I didn't understand how) or something else to get it synced? Or is it just asking for trouble, and I should get an external effect pedal for my synth? Thanks! UPDATE: The solution, as I figured out further down, is to enable control bar button "Override automatic plug-in delay compensation on live inputs"! (a k a "Live Input PDC Override"). This eliminates the latency caused by PDC on audio input channels where you are monitoring with VST effects. It makes it possible to sequence MIDI hardware in Cakewalk while monitoring the results via external effects and to have that in sync with existing tracks! 😃 🎵
  2. I have a sync problem with VST instruments. Here's my example: I load Kontakt 6 for 4 instruments and use the India Library. If I use the internal metronome, the down beat starts to drift away from "1" So, I set the metronome to MIDI and use my external Super-JV for a click. Then, I record the flute with PDC on (If I turn it off, it slowly introduces a lag from key-on 'til it sounds) Then I record another line. Same problem with PDC off, so I turn it on. Now the Flute line drifts ahead of the beat and I cannot play in sync. So, I try a percussion instrument that has phrases that can be triggered. The Kontakt percussion instrument is not perceiving the downbeat at 1, so it starts to drift. I'm on Windows 10. Steinberg UR22 interface. Latency set to about 768 and there is a normal, low latency and stable mode, choice doesn't make a whole lot of difference. thoughts? hk
  3. Running latest CbB version as of March 17th. Lynx aurora over rednet. Win 10 1809 updated. Today I was doing some vocal tracking on a medium sized project (18 tracks, 15 mostly basic plugins, 6 mins long) and my usual method of live tracking is to bypass all effects with FX bypass button then lower my latency to 64 or 128 (rednet) Then input echo and start tracking vocal but I was getting a varying latency, like it would start at nothing then creep around to probably 40ms. All fx bypassed.. plugin load balancing on or off made no difference. Hit the PDC button which made the latency mostly go away but I got lots of digital clicks and stutters. loaded a blank song and tracked with my latency at 32 and 64 no problem with echo on and it was good... Now I’m pretty used to doing this, I have many music production awards and have used and loved cakewalk for 18 years... I’ve run massive songs with five time this amount of material and plugins and had no issue tracking in the past... I’d just hit the FX bypass and all was good. Now I’m fiddling with PDC and it’s not cleanly letting me track with my low latency on a decent size project like I’m used to.. Thoughts? a side note/different issue: I was Consistently getting a glitch when editing clips of audio where if I highlighted a clip and dragged the edge to close/hide the audio clip it would not fully shrink/hide/close the clip unless I dragged very slowly.. got to be quite frustrating. IMG_6262.MOV
  4. PDC (Plugin Delay Compensation) override is helpful when playing soft synths as it reduces latency of the played sound to minimum possible. However, if you record MIDI with PDC override enabled, Cakewalk places the recorded events in incorrect position; events (notes) are ahead more or less, depending on the plugin delay which may be anything from 1 to 200 milliseconds. After recording the take you have to move new take manually to the correct position because Cakewalk does not do that automatically. How you do deal with this? Do you use PDC override? Do you move clips manually by ear, do you use quantize or do you just leave recorded take where it is? Or do you bounce project and record time critical keyboards with minimal amount of time consuming plugins and PDC Override disabled? Btw, Plugin Delay Compensation is OFF when the PDC button in the Control Bar is on. It's a little confusing but I'm talking about the scenario where that PDC button is ON.
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