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  1. Hi Peeps Just to explain I have spent around the last two weeks now, going between Cakewalk and REAPER, trying to incorporate my outboard effects in my test projects. I have been having no end of issues with terrible and somewhat inconsistent "timing" issues when trying to synchronise my hardware MIDI gear and my modular system. I have posted elsewhere about that so I will not go into details here. My school boy error I found out only the other day, from a post in the REAPER forum, that I should be pinging the outputs/inputs while the effects in the outboard units are bypassed, which is especially important with reverb. Because of my ignorance I was getting wildly different delay times when pinging, anything between 2000 to 4000 samples in Cakewalk's External Insert plugin. Now that I know that, and I have re-pinged my instances of External Insert (in Cakewalk) and ReaInsert (in REAPER) I am pretty much getting stuff synchronised now. Still some issues, but I don't think they can be linked with my outboard effects. A question Okay, now that I "think" I know what I am doing, I have a question There is a big difference between Cakewalk's and REAPER's insert plugins, in terms of delay. In External Insert, the delay is being reported as 1215 samples. In ReaInsert the delay is being reported as 70 samples. And so the question is, why is there such a big difference between the reported delay times in the two plugins? What to do? I'm in a quandary. I really want Cakewalk to work for me. As I have been getting back into Cakewalk I have reminded myself what a great DAW it is. I love instrument definitions, how you can edit them so that things like patch names and controller names are presented properly in Cakewalk and therefore easier and quicker to apply/assign to MIDI tracks and envelopes. But while using my outboard effects the delay between hitting a key on my controller and the note sounding is simply too large, even for a sloppy player like myself. Advice (now were are getting to it...) Is there anything I can do to tackle the delay issue? Am I using External Insert correctly? Could I manually change the delay time to a lower value and hope that it works (I suppose I should just try that)? Am I expecting too much from my setup? (in-depth details here) Okay, I think that covers it, I'll hand it over for consideration and hope that someone is able to help. cheers andy
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