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  1. Hello, Is there a feature in the Cakewalk product roadmap to introduce the OSC protocol like Ardour is capable ? ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ It would be great for me to control the Cakewalk transport (play/pause/rec etc...) through OSC, for instance a Pyhton program on an IoT device running Linux. I do this with Ardour. Of course I can create my own Windows application to convert an OSC message to a MIDI message and then use the Generic Controller but it's a kind overkill... I think the OSC protocol is a perfect candidate in Cakewalk, this can be a killer feature. ๐Ÿ™ Thanks! Stรฉphane Gagnon,
  2. Hi there. I have some thoughts about live mode and OSC support. First of all, of course Ableton Live, Mainstage are the leaders in live performance mode. In Cakewalk we have matrix mode which is like a Clip Mode in Live, also we have performace playlist to load projects for gig. What I would like to see is to have full support of OSC to control my Cakewalk in gig. There's a thing called AZSLOW which was added to support some OSC stuff. But it's not built in, so if i was a noob, I couldn't start perform with OSC in classic terms. So, please add full OSC support to use things like LEMUR, TouchOSC. Then, I would like to see improvements in playlist. I would like to see it in separate docker to organize things well. Of course in mobile era there's a thing called Ableton link to sync which would be cool to use with Cakewalk.
  3. Few years ago we had a Scratchpad and we had mobile version of Z3TA. I think i't s to time to get them back on market. Also I want something simple to control Cakewalk with iPad. I can use TouchOSC, but it's hard for me to set it up. I would like to use its features to control Step Sequencer, drum pads, etc) Presonus has Studio One Remote. Ableton Live has few controllers.
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