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  1. Using Neutron Pro in Cakewalk, I'm sending two tracks to sidechain compress a third track - i.e. a vocal track and a guitar track are both sending to a keyboard track to compress the keys track. When adjusting the threshold in the Neutron compressor for the keys track I can't seem to distinguish which of the two sends I am affecting when changing the threshold? Is that possible to adjust each send individually or are both sends just blended when adjusting the threshold? P.S. Big love ❤️to this forum, always great answers... or more questions that make me think things through,.
  2. I’ve recently started using Neutron 3 from Izotope and noticed a considerable amount of latency added. It disappears with it bypassed. Are there any settings to help CbB work smoother with it, or does it just not work well with it generally?
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