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  1. Sridhar Raghavan

    Akai MPK249

    Hope some one can answer a few basic question(s). I have an AKAI MPK249 which has been lying idle for a while and I decided that I will use it with Cakewalk (with my Target Synth as Korg PA600. I have no need as yet for configuring MPK249 for Cakewalk - as Cakewalk will use MPK249 as a Generic Midi Controller for inputs). Everywhere there is only mention about setting up with DAW and basic questions are never answered. In this forum as well. I am not complaining that no one addresses them, but just intrigued that no one seems to miss it. a) Is there a desktop Utility for creating/editing Configurations/Presets for MPK249? I installed MPC essentials, thinking that would provide me that. But its focus is elsewhere almost like a DAW. Strangely that software does not even have a SETTINGS menu!! For example, I have an Alesis Vortex, now for several years. (Like with many other MIDI controllers) I use a Desktop App, which gives a UI that mirrors the actual Hardware buttons sliders and knobs and MIDI functions/sequences can be assigned to them. The configurations can be SAVED to disk and/or pushed to the midi controller. This makes things so much easier working with large Screen, Mouse, Keyboards and UI of Windows to do things. Rather than struggle with the TINY screen and lengthy menu chains on the Midi Controller. b) While I can easily argue in favor of MIDI Controllers configured for specific DAWs, I see more reason for why they need to be configured for Specific Synths - as that is the target of MIDI sequences and commands, especially that are beyond basic MIDI CC/Pitchbend kind of commands.. For example on my KORG PA600, Selecting Styles, Variations, Fades, Performances etc. are special/private MIDI commands (uses MIDI message formats, but actual CCs private). c) Is there a Cake Walk preset for MPK249? I do not see one in the factory list. What is the best/close one to use? d) Is MPC Beats or Essentials of any relevance when using Cakewalk? Thanks in advance.
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