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  1. Hi all, I'm having an issue with sample rates when opening Cakewalk. My interface is a MOTU UltraLite Mk3. When I open Cakewalk, I can see the sample rates cycling from 44, 48, 88 and so on until it lands at 196 and does not work with Cakewalk. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Probably important to note that I recently did a lot of upgrades on my Alienware PC for gaming purposes and didn't have this issue before. I upgraded my hard drive from HDD to SSD, RAM, the video card and installed a liquid cooling system. I have occasionally been able to get it work after randomly messing with settings and reinstalling drivers. But the sound will only work for Cakewalk and no other audio on my computer. Any help would be much appreciated!!!
  2. Just purchased a MOTU M2 Audio Interface. It shows up in the list of devices, but it appears to be disabled. That said, I am unable to select it as an input device. Is the MOTU M2 supported by Cakewalk?
  3. Hello, I have been a PreSonus interface user many years and ECHO Audio (may they rest in peace) before that. I am currently using the Studio 6|8 which is a very nice interface. I am however looking into what other options are out there to give me a little more performance in regards to latency, etc.. I am not sure if I am just hitting a ceiling with my current i5 3570k setup but it never hurts to learn from other's experiences. I know that RME (The BabyFace Pro in particular) have a history of best performance but looking for something a little more affordable. I have heard MOTU's audio drivers are high performing as well. Thanks for sharing.
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