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  1. I have started to re-opened a number of recordings from my old band, which i would like to mix again. In the old files there were some plug-ins that didn't exist anymore, but there were three that were still working; the vocalstrip, percussionstrip and the tube leveler. In the properties I could find their location, but I cannot bring up another instance of the plug-ins, neither can I in a new project. I tried to add the paths into the scan window in preferences, but it won't show up. Does anybody have an idea as to how to accomplish this? Thanx, Han
  2. I've been using Cakewalk products since they started so I'm aquainted with the nuts and bolts. I have about 750 plugins and only about 270 are showing up. Things tried: all folders are added tried showing excluded plugins re-scan failed/existing plugins Thanks!
  3. Ian Miller

    Cakewalk Crashes

    Hi guys, I've tried everything at this point but my cakewalk song keeps crashing everytime I hit play. At first the problem occured out of nowhere. Upon rebooting it said that I had missing plugins, which were included among the pre-loaded FX chain audio effects. Only some of these effects were on my tracks, so I removed them from my tracks: still results in a crash. After rebooting and redownloading 3 times, I stopped receiving missing plugin errors; however, cakewalk still crashes everytime I hit the play button. It should also be noted that a lot of the FX chain effects are now missing entirely, even with a fresh download of Cakewalk. Other files seem to work when I load them, so I'm not sure how to fix this track. I tried copying the midi data and making a track template too. This also resulted in an unprompted crash. I have a mid-range PC that I built 3 years ago and can run all of the Adobe Suite no problem, so I doubt its a hardware error. I sent out an email to the support staff and haven't heard anything back. I'm really bummed because this track was turning out really well and I want desperately to return to it. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.
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