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  1. So I have bought this cheap USB mic from amazon for recording my songs. The issue is that I am not able to select the mic in the cakewalk preferences I am trying to get a solution since yesterday. Please help would be appreciated I am not able to sing and record. Thanks a lot.
  2. As the title suggests, I'm confused about this. I know the bottom mic needs to be 90 degrees from the top mic, (I think), but I've never had any luck doing this. Every time I try to record with two snare mics, I'm supposed to phase invert one of them, (which one?) When I do that, it always sounds hollow and just not good. I probably did something wrong. Am I supposed to record them with the invert switched? Or wait until after to switch it? I have a Focusrite Clarett 8pre and I don't see any phase switch on the unit or in the Focusrite software that controls the unit. Could somebody ELI5 this for me?
  3. Hi guys, How can I reverse/change the phase of a mic (ribbon) in Cakewalk by Bandlab software? Many thanks for helping!
  4. Nevermind, I didn't realise I had to press the record button on the top right and not just on the track
  5. bobernaut

    How to set up DI box

    Hello everyone and thanks once again for reading this! My question involves a DI box and recording into an interface. I have researched this for awhile now and while I do get the concept, I can't seem to find any videos or other which actually show ALL aspects of setting up a DI box with amp and interface. Here's what I have to work with to do this: amp (Line 6) interface (Toneport Line 6) electric guitar (lots) Sm57 mic, stand and cables PC (windows 7 16 GB) DI box (Live Wire Solutions with in/out and output) guitar cords Does someone here use DI for recording guitars and could sort of draw me a quick map, so to speak, on how to connect everything, please? I would like to be able to record DI tracks (now that I understand their purpose) but can't figure this out unless, of course, I don't have the right equipment to accomplish this. All the "pros" just skip right past everything and say, "always record a DI track when recording guitars" but I can't figure out how they are doing this with either Sonar or the actual rig set up. What I believe can happen is that you can record a clean sound through your amp while also recording a distorted guitar using an amp sim at the exact same time. Is this correct? I surely would appreciate any help here. I currently just record straight into the amp sim but I have always wanted to know how to also record the clean sound using the DI box method. I hope I have made my question clear and also hope someone can help me out here before I give up. Thanks so much in advance, bob
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