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  1. I am exploring matrix view and yes, I have gone through various Videos as well as the manual. But some basics remain elusive to me. Hope some one can help me with the following. a) In a Cakewalk Project I have recorded few minutes of multitrack MIDI songs (using an external Keyboard). b) I can play the recording and the song gets played multitrack on the external keyboard. c) Above works fine and I have been doing this for a long time Now d) I have created an arranger track and defined multiple Sections, and I can play them using different arrangements. All-OK. Questions e) I created a Matrix View. f) Now I want to load different sections of the multi-track MIDI recording, corresponding to the sections defined in the arranger, into Matrix Cells. g) How do I this? Is it possible? These will be MIDI clips and not audio (all the MIDI tracks data should be emitted to the external keyboard/synth - like in (b) ) h) What kind of MIDI clips can go into a cell? Single Track, Multi Tracks? any restrictions. i) Is there a way to time-shift i.e. add a beginning delay to the contents of cell, for aligning musically, as needed, with other cells? Thanks in advance. br Sri. P.S. Update. p) I am able to select a section on any of my MIDI tracks (they are all Single Channel data) and drag into a Matrix Cell. Happy. q) But I cannot load a MIDI file -- which are Multitrack (SMF, Not-SMF) into a cell. The cell brightens a bit, but remains blank. when I drag-drop, but nothing happens. Not sure about the status. r) With (p) when I play and stop a cell, my Keyboard seems to not receive Note(s) Off. So the keyboard Notes are stuck -- and I have to use Midi Panic to stop all the notes! Not good.
  2. Hi, I've been writing a piece involving the matrix view and nothing else. After finally cutting up my samples and loading them into the matrix view, I saved and exited Cakewalk. Upon opening the project it crashed. After finding several threads about, this I read that the problem might be a plugin, and that I can track down which one by using safe mode. After opening the project in safe mode, there was only one plugin to disable called GroovePlayer. Now I didn't open any plugins at all, so I figured it must be something related to the matrix view. Anywho, I clicked no to disable GroovePlayer, the only plugin in the project, and it still crashed. So I decided that maybe something's up with the project. When I created a new project imported a clip, saved, closed Cakewalk, and reopened it, the project didn't crash. So I redid all of the work in a new project, saved, exited, reopened, and lo and behold, it crashed. The only thing used was the matrix. No plugins whatsoever. I need help asap this is for a project due tomorrow (technically today). Thank you in advance. I'm using an acer swift 3 with windows 11
  3. Hi all, I have a brief question about working with MIDI in the Matrix View. I tried to do some hours research before bothering other people, but I can't find a firm answer. Found this question from 2020 on the forums: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/19738-step-sequencer-in-matrix-view (Also read the Matrix section in the User Guide PDF & watched several YouTube videos.) ----------------- Question: Are you not able to modify MIDI clips/Step Clips during playback in the Matrix view and hear the updates? I seem to have to stop and then re-start playback of the clip to hear any changes made -- which I think either might be unintended, or I'm doing something wrong. Here's a YouTube video demoing the problem in case I'm not explaining it well (also attached it, not sure if you can play embeds directly on the forums here) https://youtu.be/Ji7J4Av-1LY ----------------- Build Info: Version: 2021.04 (Build 144, 64bit) cakewalk-matrix-view-issue.mp4
  4. Hi folks! The Matrix View in Cakewalk by Bandlab allows you to improvise a composition and record your actions! Check out my video, demystifying the Matrix! WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/E8VHm2X7aPw
  5. I'm trying to change the key of an Acided .wav loop file in the Matrix mode - but cannot. I assume I'm missing something but any input would be gratefully appreciated. When I drag any (acidized) .wav audio loop file to a Matrix cell, it plays as expected. (Import as Groove Clip is selected in the top left of the Matrix Tool Bar) When I double click the cell to open the Loop Construction view for that clip, then change the Pitch in the Loop Construction tool bar to transpose the clip from the original key to a new key, I can preview the playback of the clip / loop file in the new key using the Play button on the left of the tool bar in Loop Construction window - BUT, when I close the Loop Construction view (or leave it open) to view/work in the Matrix view, then click on the Clip's cell to launch the music, the cell outline only blinks as if it will start playing, but it fails to start the clip. If I click the Cell or when I click Stop All Cells - the cell outline stops blinking This happens when in the Loop Construction window regardless of the settings below When the clip's Loop On/Off in the drop-down setting (on the Loop Construction toolbar) is set to On - or - When the Loop is set to Off and and the Stretch On/Off option is set to On - or - When the Loop Properties dialog window is open - the Groove Clip / Enable Looping checkbox is selected - or When the Follow Project Pitch checkbox is Deselected or Selected Also, after I attempt the change the Key in this manner and return to the Matrix view - double clicking on the Clip cell no longer opens the Loop Construction window. However - When I change the key of a clip that was dragged onto a track - using the Loop Construction view of that clip, or by double clicking the Clip in the track to open Clip Properties / Groove Clip settings, I can modify the clip's key there too - and the track will play in the new key. I can also drag the modified Clip (with the new key) down to a new cell and it will launch/play the clip in the new key. So this has been my workaround - which requires more steps. TH 2020.08 - Build 100 Win 10 Home 2004 19041.388 Dell XPS 15 9570 - on TB16 Dock Intel Core i7-8750 CPU 2.20GHz Ram 32 GB Presonus AudioBox USB 96 Launchkey 49 MK2 Voicemeeter Banana
  6. EDT

    One big wish

    It would be really great if the existing capabilities in Cakewalk could be streamlined to provide a really user-friendly and intuitive audio and midi loop creator and time and pitch stretching tool. There appears to be the basis of this in the loop construction window but it far from easy to manipulate audio. I actually can't even work out what showing slices does or how to use them (comparing with Ableton where markers are easily created, deleted, moved, and audio automatically adjusts to fit the correct tempo (and pitch if required)). Maybe I'm just missing something but I've been over it many times and it'still a mystery to me.
  7. hi new user here , i would like to use cakewalk live , as in guitar looping , is there an equivalent to ableton s session view ? all i want is to be able to record guitar loops on the fly and make them play, so far i tried matrix view but i cant figure out how to do it or if it is even possible thanks for your help ableton session view
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