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  1. Hi! First time posting here. I just came from Ardour to cakewalk. I am trying to connect my midi to cakewalk. I did this by the following 2 methods: Insert > MIDI track. Set input to my MIDI or virtural MIDI. Drag & drop virtural instrument to the track list. Then my screen looks like this: There's no "master" option in the drop down list of output. And when I play the MIDI live or play the track, there's no sound. You can see the volume of my MIDI track lighting up, but not the volume of master. By the way audio tracks can be heard when played. It's just the MIDI that does not work. Here is my preference setting: Instruments, control surfaces, drum amp manager of my MIDI preference are all set by default and empty. My cakewalk is installed on Windows 10. Where did I do worng?? Thank you in advance for any help!
  2. Hello Forum: I am trying to teach my self mixing, so I decided to download the stems to a song called "Stay" by Workday Release. I watched a video on gain staging by creative sauce on youtube, and followed it as best as I could. The song has 75 tracks (Ambitious I know) and I have about 6 stereo buses for the instruments and vox tracks plus 4 other stereo buses for compression, EQ, etc; that haven't been engaged yet. I have all track faders at Zero, And all peak at -12 or lower; as well as my 6 stereo buses. Here's the problem, the master fader is peaking at: 11.1 when I hear I should be somewhere around -3. Any suggestions? Thanks ahead
  3. Hi Everyone, I have set the various volume levels so that the Master Bus is just below hitting the peak meter red zone. The Master Bus connects to the hardware Output Left + Right. However, the final audio mix is significantly lower in volume than audio from other music. One has to crank up the amplifier volume {to 11!} to compensate. Any ideas? Of note, when cranking the Master Bus into the red zone, there is no noticeable clipping or distortion. Moods in Music www.moodsinmusic.com
  4. I could easily start this project over again but…my Master Output track disappeared. How can I get it back, and how did I lose it to begin with?
  5. David U Juarez

    No Master Bus

    After the latest update, cakewalk no longer had any sound. I tried everything and finally found that when I opened a new project there wasn't any Master Bus. When I started opening older projects, I found that all of them had lost their Master Busses. Is there a way of getting them back without having to open all projects and create a new Master Bus? David
  6. Quick display buttons in the Console View. Since they will be on the already existing Console Menu Bar, they will not take any additional Console screen space. See pic below for reference. 1. Show/hide (expand/collapse) Browser Window (docked/undocked according to its default setting), for quick FX insert drag & drop onto Tracks. Saves the additional Workspace/window flipping necessary to access the Browser when you're in the Console view (pretty much most of time during mixing, for me), or the time consuming navigating through the right-click Insert FX menu - BUTTON 3. 2. Show/hide (expand/collapse) Buses. Avoids the manual dragging of the Buses pane to the right size, and then redragging it back to fit the initial size (minute, takes attention and time). This way we'll have the options of two clicks, faster, opening/closing instantly and exactly to size, instead of two precision drags across the screen - BUTTON 2. 3. Show/hide (expand/collapse) Master Bus. Does the exact same thing for the Master Bus. Again, avoids precisely and carefully dragging and aligning to the exact size - BUTTON 3. 4. Show/hide (expand/collapse) Sends/Bank/Patch modules. Shortcut to open the Sends without going though through the contextual menu - BUTTON 4. To clarify, I'm not suggesting that any existing options be removed, just the open/close to size simplification buttons added. No feature lost, just some additional options for quicker access. Looking forward to your votes.
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