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  1. another guy

    more ACT control

    Hello there, I'm building my own midi controller using arduino and I am trying to configure it with ACT. Everything works fine, I can map my knobs to parameters. My issue is that I have more than 16 knobs. How do I use the rest of my knobs?
  2. Hello there, I'm am building my own midi controller and I'm am trying to use act. Everything works fine, I can map my knobs to cells using midi learning. My issue revolves around "act learn mode". No matter wich vst and parameter I try it doesn't seem to learn. If I do all the nessecary steps and stop "act learning mode" there is no dialogue box or anything and it doesn't learn anything.
  3. I have spent a week trying to connect my Midi keyboard (Oxygen Pro 25) to Cakewalk. The fast forward, rewind, loop, knobs, stop, start, and record buttons are all unmapped while everything else works fine. I have tried fixing it on the keyboard itself, on the preset editor, Cakewalk preferences, and other 3rd party resources but nothing seems to work. At this point I want to just throw in the towel.
  4. Hi! I've mapped a midi controller, it appears on the list , ig I press a key,, there is a n animation of the key pressed, BUT, there is no sound and No knob can be assigned or responds.. Any clue? thannks!
  5. A question about mapping: I know drum mapping pretty well and use it faithfully. Absole necessity when writing drum parts. I'm not a keyboard specialist. Every prog has it's own articulations and requires a huge learning curve to use adequately. Could there be such a thing as vst Instrument mapping similar to drum mapping? I can see a vast need for a self programmable map to view all the articulations. TIA King Burton
  6. Hey guys, I have a Dnd podcast and use cakewalk to record 4 inputs using a 404hd interface, amd while we talk in our sessions we have music on in the background, but in cakewalk the music is being recorded through vb audio out into a cakewalk track (basically any audio from the pc is recorded) but my main goal is to have a key press so i dont acidently screw up the recording and just am able to change the music to fit the setting (village/ dungeon/ mountain pass) with a simple key press. Any ideas?
  7. Hi! I have an Midi Fighter 3d and I want to remap each midi note from it to another midi note so I can use it as an Midi Instrument. Is there a way to do this?
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