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  1. Producerplanet is starting a promotion where they are offering a large discount on one item every alternating weekend The first round is this weekend, the Fast&Raw (Techno) soundpool is on sale at 70~75% off $4.99 for the commercially licensed option (or $2.99 for the non-commercial) https://www.producerplanet.com/us/article/fast-raw-19838/?license=non_commercial
  2. https://producerplanet.com/us/article/soundpool-platinum-bundle-24164/?license=commercial_unlimited $39.99 (or $19.99 for non-commercial) The bundle includes: Blockbuster - Complete Bundle Dark Zone - Complete Bundle Garage House Heavy Bass - Part 2 Jazzy Feel - Complete Bundle Los Angeles Chillout Radio - Complete Bundle Mother Nature Mystic Dreams Peak Time Rock Show Smash Hits Smokey Light - Complete Bundle Suncity State Beats - Part 2 Too Hot - Part 2 Very good price (90% off, compared to Weekend Wannabee/Advent sales at 75% off), even better if you have a $20 voucher left from the Fanatical.com bundle last year
  3. https://www.producerplanet.com/us/list/summer-sale-2071/?sort=price_desc This sale includes a few ACID libraries at 50% off, and soundpools that were already at 50% off Note that prices shown at producerplanet are a little confusing in that the price shown in the sale page is the commercial license for ACID libraries and non-commercial for soundpools (for each soundpool, commercial usage prices are typically 2x that of non-commercial) Something to note also is that, for libraries where it says "The Soundpool contains all loops from '<genre>' of 'Soundpool DVD Collection <version>" it may be more cost effective buying the corresponding DVD, if you can find it. E.g, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0009O6IYO/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 . Soundpool 10 is the same as DVD Collection 2005 https://www.producerplanet.com/us/search/?query='Soundpool DVD Collection 2005'&area=audio&category=250. DVD collections up to 16 allow commercial royalty-free use (with potential logo requirements, essentially "either use a Magix pro product like Samplitude or give Magix some free publicity"), but more recent collections are non-commercial (I wish they didn't have this confusing and poorly-documented mix of commercial and non-commercial licenses!)
  4. https://www.producerplanet.com/us/audio/loops-samples-250/?sort=priority&salesOnly=true&label[]=magix 650+ soundpools and Sound Fx at half price. If you have some unused vouchers from the Humblebundle promo, this is the sale you were waiting for! (the vouchers expire at the end of this month)
  5. ACID Music Studio 11 is out - upgrade $39.99 (MSRP $59.99) 5 years you had to wait – but it was worth it. Today we're proud to present you the brand-new ACID Music Studio 11 – the first version with 64-bit power! Start producing without limits. Use all the instruments and effects that your song deserves. Produce in real time and in a new, more creative environment. 64-bit architecture enables the necessary performance. Now with new instruments, new effects, and brand-new loops to juice your creativity and take your songs to the next level. Get the all-new ACID Music Studio 11 today! Only available until February 17, 2019 in this exclusive upgrade offer. More info: https://www.magix.com/us/music/acid/upgrade/upgrade-offer-acid-music-studio-11/ DISCOVER THE ALL-NEW 64-BIT POWER For the first time ever, your RAM is used completely for your music production and offers a noticeable improvement while producing. This means you can make music faster, bolder, and more impressive than ever before! Over 2,500 new loops. New Instruments. 6 New Effects. It looks as good as it sounds. We have updated the ACID Music Studio experience with a brand new, slick interface which will inspire you to make even better music.
  6. I posted this in the old Cakewalk forum, but seeing as all the fun seems to be over here now... I've got extra copies of 2 Magix products: Sound Forge Audio Studio 12 & Audio Cleaning Lab Would anybody like to do a swap for something? I'm quite tooled up, but I'm on the look out for a bass or string synths, or even something esoteric such as World instruments. Something that works in kontakt would be cool. Please, no guitar or piano VSTs....I'm up to my ears in them. Or what about a cool effect? I don't know - make me an offer. That's all folks! Happy New Year
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