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About Me

  1. New to Cakewalk by Bandlab so I apologize for what is likely a basic setup question. I am using a Roland OCTA Capture audio interface between my Korg Kronos and Windows 10 on my laptop. I record a drum track then try to add another instrument on a secondary track and when I play it back after recording the two are out of sync by a very small amount. The sample rates are consistent between all components. Is there another adjustment that needs to be made in Cakewalk or my audio interface to compensate for the timing between playback and record? What am I missing???
  2. I use the Cakewalk by Bandlab for working on music. Recently, my fellow band members and I have been looking at Bandlab as an online collaboration tool to use while we are ... hold up at home! I put up the files but when they try to record a track from home (they don't have a lot of computer tech and one is using his phone) there is a latency issue. When I was testing it I thought wow my timing is off a bit and then the thought oh, wait ... latency. I ran the test once and it worked. I shut down came back this morning and the latency is still there and the latency test no longer works. Did everything right. I really need this to work for the other members. Thanks in advance... V
  3. Heeeeeyyy, I have a question for y'all. Thinking of picking up a small MIDI keyboard to bring to work (I'm blessed with downtime and privacy). My satellite setup is a nice laptop and a Focusrite Saffire 2i4. My concern with getting a directly connected USB keyboard is that the additional processing required to take in the MIDI data will mess with the Saffire, since it's already got its own MIDI inputs. I could have this backwards, the USB3 connection might actually provide faster response time than the old school Saffire, but wanted to throw it out there and see what people think. Thanks!
  4. Hey Guys! Quick little Question: I've been running Cakewalk for a little bit more than a year now and i never had any problems. But now i'm recording a song for my Band and since my Tower PC died a few weeks ago i decided to record on my notebook using Cakewalk, my Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6 Interface and my Axe-FX Ultra (i'm recording Guitar tracks). Oh and my Notebook is a HP EliteBook 8460p. I'm recording my Tracks digitally via SPDIF and since the AxeFX Ultra only does the SPDIF connections at 48kHz i'm recording everything at 48kHz. So now.... When i import the Drum Track, it converts it from 44.1kHz to 48kHz with no problems as it should. But when i record my Guitar parts, there is a veeeery noticeable latency. The recorded tracks are almost a 1/16 note behind the rest. I Screenshoted all my settings regarding latency and they're attached here. Does anybody know how i can fix this problem? Should i also attach my recorded tracks with the drums, so you can hear the latency? Thanks a lot in advance!
  5. Hello, I have been a PreSonus interface user many years and ECHO Audio (may they rest in peace) before that. I am currently using the Studio 6|8 which is a very nice interface. I am however looking into what other options are out there to give me a little more performance in regards to latency, etc.. I am not sure if I am just hitting a ceiling with my current i5 3570k setup but it never hurts to learn from other's experiences. I know that RME (The BabyFace Pro in particular) have a history of best performance but looking for something a little more affordable. I have heard MOTU's audio drivers are high performing as well. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Hi guys, I have some serious latency problems when recording audio from my hardware synth in cakewalk. I tried to record audio from my monologue and prophet 08, and both times the audio was delayed. I tried to play the audio directly and also via midi signal from daw to synth, but with the same results. i played with the latency settings in cakewalk, but it didn`t really do anything . I have a PC running Win7 and a Steinberg UR22 Interface.
  7. Hi Cakestalkers, I'm setting up a new Presonus Quantum with an existing ZOOM UAC-8 interface -- connecting via ADAT optical connector (yielding extra inputs for my old hardware synths). Has anyone tested or does anyone know what sort of EXTRA latency I can expect between the arrival of an analog audio signal at the ZOOM's input and the ultimate output from the Quantum into Cakewalk for recording/monitoring? I know the Quantum has near-zilch round-trip latency so I am primarily concerned with any extra latency imparted by the ZOOM during: 1. Input signal to and through ZOOM's AD conversion, to 2. ZOOM's ADAT output, to 3. Quantum''s ADAT input, to 4. Quantum's Thunderbolt output, to 5. Cakewalk's recording channel I guess I'm really just asking if, in steps 1 and 2, the signal will incur ZOOM's usual latency (call it x) PLUS any latency added in steps 3 through 5 by the Quantum (call it z)? Or will it be faster than (x + z) since the ZOOM doesn't really have to deal with any drivers or computer-related processing -- only its own? Thanks, Bill
  8. I'm using Splice sound samples with Sonar x2. After I preview a sample in Splice there is a big delay before the sound on Sonar kicks back in. Sonar actually hangs a bit, unfreezes and then after 1- seconds the sound is back on. Thinking it's something to do with my interface - Presonus Fire Studio - and/or maybe sampling or latency or buffer settings. Anyone experiencing this or know a fix ?
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