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  1. This is a WEIRD one! Hi folks! For NO APPARENT REASON, the shortcut to Cakewalk (or any Cakewalk product, like my old SONAR Platinum) on my system doesn't call up the program anymore! But this is ONLY happening to the shortcuts that are located on the desktop?! I can call up the program ANY OTHER way, just not from the shortcut icon on the desktop. When I navigate via Explorer to the Desktop shortcut, no problem. When I create a shortcut on the C-Drive's Desktop Folder (located in C/USER/NAME/DESKTOP it will launch from that folder, just not my E-Drive's Desktop, where my real active shortcuts are all based, as I MOVED the Desktop to the other (E) Drive. I had a similar problem a while back with my DESKTOP not being accessible through Quick Access and did a relocate of my Desktop from one drive to another. That worked, but I barely remember the details of that operation. If anyone has suggestions based on their experience, that would be great! Thanks! M
  2. So, when i click on the track view or anything that's below the top menu of Cakewalk (where it has File, Edit, Views, Insert, etc) when I press play, the track goes through at like 30 fps however when i press play and then click on one of the options at the top that opens a drop down menu like File or Edit, the fps goes to 60 on the track view until i click on it again. I've seen the issue before and it's kind like clicking off an application the fps goes down for performance reasons, so I feel like it's linked to the fact that cakewalk kind of uses these windows and it's not registering me being on the whole application. Idk, has anyone else had this issue and has a fix?
  3. As shown , writing midi in Cakewalk can display pitch names, but the pitch names seem to be fixed and cannot be adjusted for pitch. For example, in the D natural major scale, I want to change D♭6 to C#5, what should I do?
  4. 2023/12/6 A retrospective. Since the post was shared and applied to related issues, I have recorded the following at the top. If you're impatient, just look here. However, this method will not solve the problem completely, and you will need to do it again when you reinstall the Cakewalk. [The simple repair method] 1. Click the PC2ALevelingAmplifier_64.dll download link (the link is from the support team) 2. Move the PC2ALevelingAmplifier_64.dll to :\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\Internal\PC2ALevelingAmplifier. If you have the patience, please read the main text. As of now, I don't know if the issue has been fixed. [The Main Text] The bug has been confirmed by @Kinn2021 and can be reproduced stably. When running CakewalkSetup.exe, select English to download and install PC2ALevelingAmplifier_64.dll and PC2ALevelingAmplifier.chm (PC2A Leveler) properly. If you select Chinese, PC2ALevelingAmplifier_64.dll and PC2ALevelingAmplifier.chm will not be downloaded and installed properly. (I didn't test for languages other than Chinese and English. But I don't rule out the possibility that this bug also applies to other languages.) [The Old Main Text] As the title suggests, the PC2A Leveler cannot be found in Cakewalk. After checking, I found that PC2ALevelingAmplifier_64.dll, which should be stored in :\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\Internal\PC2ALevelingAmplifier, is missing. PC2A Leveler used to be a paid feature of ProChannel in Sonar, but BandLab later added it to Cakewalk for free. Unfortunately, I have not been able to install PC2A Leveler successfully since the beginning. As of now, I have tried the following solutions, but none of them work. - Run VST Reset from Preferences - Clean installation of Cakewalk (all antivirus software is disabled) - Replace other computers (Windows 10 and Windows 11 ) - Rollback old installer (from the first version of PC2A Leveler announced by BandLab) I contacted the support team via email and received a copy of PC2ALevelingAmplifier_64.dll. I placed it under the corresponding file path and the problem was solved immediately. But it's temporary. If you reinstall Cakewalk, the problem will still exist. I don't know if anyone else is experiencing the same problem. I prefer to think that there may be a problem in the Cakewalk installer itself. But some people do have PC2A Leveler. Perhaps it was previously purchased from Sonar and then upgraded to Cakewalk by BandLab and retained. If you install Cakewalk by BandLab separately, do you still have PC2A Leveler? Special Thanks (Sort by reply time.) - @hadada - @msmcleod - @In A Week
  5. While playing a MIDI or an Instrument track, changing tracks cause all MIDI tracks to play together at the same time which makes us hear an exploding sound . We have to stop playing then change the track to get rid of this issue, which is not a convenient way when making sound audition.
  6. Hello, i am a new user of Cakewalk and i like it, but there is one thing that bothers me a little, maybe i am not alone in this case. when i play or record something, i noticed that the time counter and the playhead cursor are not smooth but jerky, is there something to modify in the preferences to get them smooth? In preferences, i tried ASIO, WASAPI and MME but nothing changed. Here is my PC configuration: CPU : Intel Core i7-6700K MEMORY : 32 GB SOUNDCARD : Realtek High Definition Audio Thank you for your help
  7. Hello everybody, I've got the export problem in cakewalk - but only in some projects. After some googling, I checked the plugins inside problematic projects, first my guess was on acoustica plugins, they are heavy on the ram, but (except of smoother daw work) they weren't a problem. Then I removed also TB plugins, and one of the project started to be exportable, but the other is not. The rest of the plugins I use from years (TDR, Izotope and Valhalla) or are cakewalk's one. It's not memory issue, there's also bo crash report, all is happening when I try to export is: cakewalk is turning off, and in export folder appears empty wav file. Any ideas? Thanks in advance:) EDIT: In CakewalkCore\Minidumps\Plugins Folder the only info I got is: Cakewalk Plug-in Crash Dump (C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140.dll)
  8. Hey Everyone. Need some help badly. Iv been using cakewalk for the past 3 years and have honestly enjoyed it. But I am having some issues with the playback and any track exporting of any kind. The Issue: While either listening to the raw file in DAW, Bouncing tracks or Exporting a project, I am being met with audio dropouts. But not like complete dropouts. Just volume decreases. Almost like someone it quickly moving the volume fader down and up again, or some major compression randomly kicks in. I have just recently upgraded to a desktop PC after coming from a laptop and I wasn't having this issue on my laptop Ill leave an example below Notice the annoying audio dips in volume and you can visually see the dip in the export. I have updated my drivers in windows and gone to the manufacturer site to get the drivers. I have uninstalled and re installed. Been through a bunch of support with no avail. I have tried a lot of things and I cant even seem to pinpoint whether it would be some sort of sound card issue not liking my interface, Driver issues or what. I have no idea. PLEASE HELP, this is a project ruining issue. PC Specs: *all mid to high specs* Windows 10 Ryzen CPU NIVIDIA GPU I'm using a focusrite Scarlett 2i2 issue track.mp3
  9. Hi there, I am a total newbie to DAWs and Cakewalk, and I'm having trouble in which I cannot hear the notes I play using my MIDI controller, but only when I am utilizing the different instruments that come with the DAW. When I just add a new MIDI track, I can hear the basic grand piano just fine, but the moment I change instruments, no audio. This is especially strange, because the visualizer shows that input is being detected. I tried linking the sampling rate of my windows speakers to the sampling rate of the project (this was a previously discovered fix for this issue), however it still has no audible output. If anyone can help me out here, that would be awesome. This program seems great, just gotta put in the work to learn it. (I added the tag bug report, just in the case it is a bug, but I understand it is of course more likely user error)
  10. Hey everyone, Sorry if this isn't cohesive (it's my first post). I've been using Cakewalk for roughly a year now and just yesterday, I was playing around with some audio samples in my Audio Library folder. All of a sudden, every single audio file sounds slightly distorted and muted, like as if a highcut EQ was placed on them. Even if I drag a sample in my project, it sounds as weird. If I export the project, it still sounds distorted/muted. I tried restarting my computer, nothing. I tried playing around with buffer sizes (put it all the way to Safe) and no progress. I uninstalled and re-installed Cakewalk and the issue persists. I'm very confused since this happened very randomly during one of my work sessions and I'm really unsure of how to fix it. Any help is appreciated! Many thanks!
  11. Tunchelli

    Issue with Loop

    Hi everyone, A newbie here please bare with me. I was searching about this issue of mine but I couldn't find a proper answer so I wanted to ask it here. I have an issue with my looping. I record some guitar on metronome, the timing is right. Then I split the clip and use ctrl+d to produce loops of the recording. In each cut point, I get to hear a "pluck or blip" sound. It drives me insane and I couldn't figure out why. I tried re-recording the guitar, bouncing to clips to merge them but that sound still there. How can I get rid of it and achieve the perfect loop? Please help me on this issue, I'd much appreciate it! Thank you and stay safe everyone!
  12. I downloaded Bandlab Assistant and updated it by clicking a green update button. It finished updating. Upon clicking a green log in button, nothing happens. Attached is a picture of what I see. I have uninstalled and installed again, but the same thing happens. I have Windows 10 and a 64-bit computer.
  13. So I was doing stuff in Cakewalk just a moment ago, and for no reason a drum sampler I had frozen (it's Shorcircuit 2) started playing back audio from my microphone on my laptop, as in, when you set up a track to record and you hear what is being recorded through the track. I now can't unfreeze the drum track, can't open the "Takes" lane, and when I unplug my headphones the audio gets fed back into the microphone making an awful ringing noise. Turning "Record" on and off on the track does nothing. What could be causing this issue?
  14. Hi there, 10 year+ user of Cakewalk/Sonar here, and lately have been experiencing a very strange and very frustrating problem for the first time. Whenever I record anything into the DAW, whether it be on a MIDI keyboard or on a guitar, when played back it is noticeably ahead of the beat. For example, if I lay down a rhythm guitar part with a lot of 16th notes over a drum loop, it sounds super locked in while I'm recording, but when I play it back it sounds whack. It is a small differential, but big enough for me to have noticed. Same goes for MIDI. I've adjusted my buffer several times, restarted the software and the computer just as many times, and still no luck. Has ANYONE experienced this issue before? Beyond frustrating as I can't really record anything until it's sorted out. The interface I've been using recently is a Focusrite Scarlett 4i4. Thanks!
  15. Hi I am experiencing audio issues. When playing, during playback, and in the EXPORTED file, every 20 to 60 seconds, there is and audio dip. The audio dips out and back in (lowers in volume). No issues on previous laptop. Thanks
  16. First thank you guys for making Cntrl D be duplicate by default and the other editing features that you have added. I have noticed that there are some issues I have seen which needs to be fixed to further improve the experience of editing in Cakewalk. Here are the three main issues. The first issue I have with the duplicate is that it when you give a definite space in the track using the selection feature, it follows the space created for the first duplication but ends at the end of the audio for the second duplication. This also applies for midi as well in the track view and piano roll. This makes it difficult to duplicate one shots quickly and are forced to use the . I have tried other daws such as ableton, studio one logic, fl and realised that none of them have this issue only Cakewalk. For the second issue the first issue needs to be fixed first to fix the second one. The second issue is not allowing duplication when on playback. It technicaly allows you to but it follows the playback timeline instead of the selection created. That means that I have to pause then duplicate what I want instead of duplicating while in playback. Following the playback line is unnecessary. Again, no other daw I've used has this issue except for Cakewalk. The third is for midi editing in the piano roll. The clip outline in track view is unnecessarily important when editing in the piano view. For example, if you create three notes and you remove one note. For some reason the clip outline created by the third note is still there. This makes duplication harder because in the piano you do not see this space even though it shouldn't be there in the first place. Again only seen this in Cakewalk. Even though these issues are slight, there seriously impact the experience of editing efficiently it Cakewalk. I hope I was detailed enough.
  17. Howdy! So basically I have seen a couple of other forums about this issue but its worse now...I use cakewalk and komplete kontrol, and the issue here is specifically with the play series of komplete kontrol. The audio sounds fine as long as you load up the instrument from the play series and ONLY play on the midi keyboard without pressing play/stop (spacebar) but when you press play then stop it, it resets the cut off knob to zero and the sound becomes muffled and really low. it resets it every single time you press play and stop. The previous fix I found from another user was turning off the "zero controllers when play stops"...I went to check if I had it on but its not even there anymore . If anyone knows an alternative fix that would be awesome! Cheers and have a wonderful day!
  18. Hello everyone. I need some help here... I will start by refering that I use protools to create my midi files but use cakewalk to chek this problem that I have, that I wolud like to solve. Sometimes, and it´s not with every midi file that I create, I notice that my midi file is somehow broken in the midle, or, I mean it plays well at the begining, but at the middle of the song, it creates an empty space with 4 or 5 HOURS and then, at the end there´s the rest of my midi file... This happens in cakewalk, but not in my protools.. or other daws.. - When this happens, what I do, to solve this problem is open the midi file in REAPER, and just export it again.. If I put this new midi file in cakewalk, the midi is good and it´s all consolidated.. but I´d like to create my midi file correctly at the first export (in protools,). Can anyone help me to find this issue? maybe chek the part where the empty space is created, but I dont know what to check... I send 2 midi files of the same source that I created.. It´s just one track with some voice guide.. the first is the one with the problem, and the other is the one exported in Reaper... Maybe someone can chek what am I creating wrong in my protools... (I know this is a cakewalk forum, I just need help on what to check in my midi file to solve it) Thank you everyone 1- Midi WITH PROBLEM.mid 2-Midi with no problem.mid
  19. I'm editing my project, and when I open console view, cakewalk becomes unusable - it lags so much. Adding new VSTs takes forever, faders are not responding, it takes a while to even pause playback. I have around 10 tracks, each with 0 to 2 vsts loaded. Task manager shows that around 30% of CPU power is used, about half of RAM memory, so I guess it isn't problem with my hardware. Everything is fine and Cakewalk works great as long as I don't open console view. EDIT: I was then working on a project with just one track, everything was also fine EDIT#2: funny thing I noticed: during first ~30,40 seconds of using program everything was fine, so fluent that I thought the issue dissapeared, but after that time, the program started to slow down again.
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