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  1. A rapper named Cole the VII shared his acapella track called "Back in Time" for others to use to do what they liked with. I put his track into my DAW with a click track and started improvising with it. Twenty-four tracks later, this is the result. I think it turned out pretty well. So Cole did the acapella rap and I composed and played all of the music you hear, live (well, one track at a time). I'd love to get thoughts on the track, where you think my improvised parts work and where you think they don't and your advice on how to make a better mix. I have this track on private, so I'm not sharing this beyond with Cole and some musician friends. I did have a blast making it, but as I wrote, it's improvised and in a day or so, I may want to tweak some of the parts and it'd be valuable to hear from folks what parts they like and what they don't like. My timing isn't perfect. This isn't a heavily quantized song, in fact, a lot of my tracks feature no quantization, so some of the timing isn't perfect. If you find any of the timing is so off it bothers you, please share it and I'll redo that part. I basically kept things as they were because I had a vibe going and I thought quantizing things would destroy the feel. Thanks, Peter
  2. Hi I used the 808 drum track on this one. I recorded the Drum track on an old TEAC Reel to Reel then digitized it back onto the DAW. Everything else is standard Sonar tracking. Thanks for listening!
  3. My latest attempt at writing a song a few people might like...trying to interest listeners enough into responding with comments. Which is the theme of the song....trying. So, comments and critiques would be most appreciated. ****Updated - Version 2 - 11/2/19. I added mild compression to the instrument bus, as suggested by someone in the Facebook Cakewalk by Bandlab group. It's a subtle difference, but I think it makes the mix sound a little better. https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=13940578
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