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  1. First of all, thanks to BandLab for letting us use Cakewalk for free. After Roland HP603 came into my house, I felt the internet has no instrument definition file for it. Since the user manual is lack of information about MIDI, I've tried bank/patching manually in Cakewalk. However, it was not easy to know how it works. By digging into MIDI and Cakewalk instrument definition file structure, I've made what I want; changing instruments with a couple of clicks. Here is Roland HP603 instrument definition file. I hope someone could save his/her time for producing music with HP603. If you want to make an ins file, I'll give you my tools for reference(some python scripts). Installation: -------------------------------------------------------- 1. Download the attached file to your computer and rename it to 'Roland HP603.ins' (This forum doesn't allow attaching a file with .ins extension) 2. Open Cakewalk by BandLab. 3. Go to Edit -> Preferences. 4. In the left side find 'Instruments' under MIDI section. 5. Your instrument will be shown in the Output/Channel if it was connected. 6. Click 'Define...' button. 7. Another dialogbox will be shown. Click 'Import...' button. 8. Choose saved file (C:\Users\user\Downloads\Roland HP603.ins). 9. Click 'Roland HP603' and 'OK' button. 10. Click 'Close' button. 11. Select your instrument from channel 1 to 16 on the left hand side. 12. Click 'Roland HP603' on the right hand side. 13. Click 'Apply' and 'OK'. Simplifying Cakewalk .ins file structure: -------------------------------------------------------- .Patch Names [BankName-A] ProgramNumber=ProgramName ... [BankName-B] ProgramNumber=ProgramName ... .Instrument Definitions [InstrumentName] Patch[BankNumber1]=BankName-A Patch[BankNumber2]=BankName-B ... BankNumber = CC#0 * 128 + CC#32 ProgramNumber = PC Caveats: -------------------------------------------------------- 1. Feel free to change whatever you need. 2. Drum patch is not tested(my holiday is over!) References: -------------------------------------------------------- MIDI Specification https://www.midi.org/specifications http://www.music-software-development.com/midi-tutorial.html MIDI Programming(python, c#) https://www.pygame.org/ https://pypi.org/project/python-rtmidi/ https://mido.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/multimedia/musical-instrument-digital-interface--midi HP603 MIDI Implementation http://cms.rolandus.com/assets/media/pdf/INFOCUS01_MIDI.pdf https://static.roland.com/assets/media/pdf/LX_HP_KF-10_GP_DP_RP102_FP-10_MIDI_Imple_eng04_W.pdf Cakewalk ins file https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR X2&language=3&help=Instrument_Defs.07.html http://www.raisedbar.co.uk/InsDef.htm http://www.heikoplate.de/mambo/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=426&Itemid=63 Roland HP603.ins.txt
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