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  1. Any one here an orchestrator, or just arranger using orchestral sampled sounds? Particularly need assistance getting Vienna Ensemble Pro 7 (VE Pro7) connected. I can usually enter the name of the server and instance when the VE Pro 7 interface box pops-up. I noticed over on the Vienna Symphony Libraries forum that the problem is described as Cakewalk is not properly focused when the VE Pro 7 pop-up opens. So, my keyboard entries are taken as Cakewalk hot key entries. Odd that Cakewalk can't take keyboard alphanumeric entries when needed. The title to this post needs to be "When will Cakewalk become compatible with Vienna Ensemble Pro 7?" because right now it is not the case that Cakewalk and VE Pro 7 are compatible. I'll give this post 24 hours to curate and try again.
  2. I've been working on a certain sound/preset that I really like, but there is 1 thing bugging me. Basically its a harp sound, but the problem is if you keep spamming a single key there will be multiple voices of the same note ringing creating a heavy chorus type sound rather than stopping the note and restarting it with each press of the key. How do I change this? Sort of like changing Polyphany, except Polyphany is a global setting, if I set it to 1, it means only one note is allowed to ring at a time no matter how many notes you have pressed. I need multiple notes/voices to ring but only 1 instance of each.
  3. Cakewalk has had a lot of innovative ideas over the years. Aux tracks and patch points are no exception. These powerful tools can be used for a lot of creativity. However the question that keeps coming up is, "What is the difference between an Aux track, a Bus, and a Patch Point in Cakewalk. Well, in this video I hope to explain just that and show some practical applications of how to use them in Cakewalk by BandLab!
  4. Hi everyone, I just wanted to post this and make you aware of my YouTube channel that offers extensive tutorials on what was then called Sonar. These tutorials will still be useful to those of you using the newly labelled Cakewalk by BandLab software. I am adding more in depth tutorials very soon specifically on the free software of Cakewalk so please subscribe and let me know of any future tutorials you would like to see. In the meantime please follow the link below to the channel and give me some feedback MAKING CREATIVITY INSPIRE Thanks everyone!
  5. Hey - quick question. I have a project with a bus where I had inserted Breverb2 Cakewalk, prior to discovering the Breverb2 module that is part of the ProChannel. SO - I notice that a preset that I had saved in the Breverb2 Cakewalk (from the FX Bin), does not appear in the presets available to the ProChannel's Breverb module. Further, there doesn't seem a way to save presets from settings in the ProChannel's Breverb2 module. It would appear that there are two separate save paths for presets, and that is further complicated by the ones I DO save, in the Breverb2 Cakewalk VST, not being able to be selected if I try to access them in the ProChannel's Breverb2, and lastly, not being able to save presets from settings I like from the ProChannel's Breverb2 is a bit of a pain. Any solutions to the above? Bob Bone
  6. Hi folks! There are many reasons for exporting from Cakewalk - for streaming, mp3 playback, stems, and CD. This tutorial shows you how, for various scenarios! WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/bE4IjK1QOA8
  7. Hi, While looking through the forum I noticed the UI Themes section and read a few of the messages. The sample images shows the forum has some very talented graphic artists that are not afraid to dig "under the hood, or bonnet," to create some beautiful looking graphic themes for the Cakewalk by BandLab user interface. However, as new users flock to download, install and use CbB and visit this forum to learn more about the product the UI Themes forum section may raise more questions than it answers. Perhaps it would be wise for someone to create a post that answers the questions that newcomers might ask. Another possibility is one or more video tutorial(s) showing the default storage location for themes as well as what steps to take to make sure the program will list a newly added theme. Here is a list of some questions I think might be asked. I'm sure other forum members can think of additional questions. 1) Where are theme files stored so they will be listed and available for access by the program? 2) Do the files need to be stored in a specific format? For example files for each theme contained in a sub folder, files for all themes contained in one sub folder, files for each theme compiled into a single file with a specific file suffix and so on. 3) Does theme installation require an installer utility? 4) Can default and optional themes be renamed? 5) What is the Theme Editor? How to obtain the Theme Editor? Is there user instructions or a help file?
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