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  1. Hello This is my first post so hope I am in the right place. I am using Cakewalk ( Version: 2022.09 Build 027, 64 bit ) If I create a drum pattern using the Step Sequencer and the free Sitala drum synth, and then go into the track and create say a duplicate of 3 linked clips from the clip I just created ( using Copy Special and Paste Special ), I get the linked clips as expected, but as soon as I modify the initial clip, then all the Step Sequencer note events get duplicated, so one kick drum becomes 4 kick drum etc ( if that makes sense ). I also get the same problem if I use the Drag / Drop linked clip creation method. I'm hoping this is something I am doing wrong - I have looked in the docs but can't seem to find anything relating to it, but I could be looking or searching for the wrong doc content! If I create a drum pattern using the Piano Roll then the linked clips all work as expected with no note duplications. Thanks in advance - if the above is as clear as mud please tell me so and I will try to elaborate. D
  2. Unless there is a way to do so (which I searched for but cannot find), I would like to submit a request to use the duplicate (CTRL+D) feature but also LINK the clips so when I make changes in one, they apply to all of them. Is there a way to do this as of now even if it is more than 1 step? As you can see, I did it with the Tambourine track but the only way to do it is to copy and paste manually, which is not as easy to do as the easy CTRL+D option.
  3. this seems to be a very common feature found in other DAWs but I cannot find it in Cakewalk, but I simply want to select a region of either MIDI or Audio Data (either in track view or PRV view depending on what I am doing), and duplicate it to the right with a simple keystroke multiple times. Is this possible? thank you!
  4. I have some problems with the new Duplicate Clip feature, when it comes to duplicating clips containing notes (drum hits in this case) that do not start at beat 1 in a measure. The notes are duplicated as if snap is set to To and not By. But if I first extend the clip to the start of the measure the empty space in the beginning is kept. But isn't the point that you shouldn't have to do that, if you have enabled "Use Current Snap Settings on Duplicate Selected Clip(s)" and snap set to "By" (and "Whole")? Copying notes/clips using drag & drop respects the snap to and by setting as I expect, which is why I believe Duplicate Clip behaves "wrong". I need help to understand if I have the wrong expectations or if the duplicate clip feature could be improved... Pre-requisites I have "Use Current Snap Settings on Duplicate Selected Clip(s)" enabled. I have Snap set to "By" and "Whole". I am using Cakewalk 2019.09 (build 70) Steps I create a simple two measure snare pattern on beats 2 & 4. I select the notes (by either clicking the clip in clip view or by right-click dragging around the notes in the PRV). Key observation: The selection does not extend to the beginning nor the end of the measures. I duplicate the clip with CTRL + D. The duplicated snare hits start at beats 1 & 3. Important note: Having snap set to TO actually produces the same result. Expected result: Snare hits should be duplicated BY a whole measure, putting hits at beats 2 & 4. Note that this is how snap by works with drag & drop and shouldn't Duplicate Clip also do that? Thanks!
  5. Hi friends... sorry am new here and wish to make a feature request. I was a cubase user until I discovered sonar. I am happy most of the features on cubase I have transferred them to my sonar and they work exactly the same in terms of shortcuts I already know before in cubase. Now my request is that Cakewalk should find a way to allow us increase the gain of individual clips by just hovering on a particular clip and drawing it up or down just like in cubase. This will make my work faster and many others will also like it. Another thing is while in cubase I only need to click "control D" and a clip will be duplicated to as many as I want but I don't see that feature yet in Cakewalk. These are two things if Incorporated will enhance my workflow. Thanks
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