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  1. Hi. I got a new laptop: Win11, i7-12700h, 32gig, SSDs. It sputters and drops out on the same projects the old one can play without issue. The old one is Win10, i7-9750h, 16gig, SSD for OS, hard drive for audio. All the usual config stuff has been checked on the new one by two people who have done it for years and know what they are doing. Latest version of Cakewalk. Latency mon shows that the new laptop should be better than the old. Is it possible Cakewalk is not yet ready for Win11 or that it is not optimally using the P-cores and E-cores of the 12th gen CPUs? Is there anyway to check its core usage to see if it using all the cores? Thanks.
  2. Hi Everyone, Hoping someone can assist me with an issue I'm having in Cakewalk 2020.09 version. My total project has about 67 Tracks. 3 of those tracks have Take Lanes which have not yet been committed (Flatten) as I'm currently working on comps for various background vocal harmonies. The tracks are as follows: Track 55 has 15 Take Lanes Track 56 has 31 Take Lanes Track 57 has 63 Take Lanes The playback audio engine worked excellent when playing the entire project until I finished recording Track 57's 63 Lanes. After recording and hitting playback, the Audio Engine Drops Out about 2 seconds in. I did not have this issue before recording the last Track's takes. I noticed if I Archive Track 57 the entire project plays smoothly again with no issues. I haven't been able to figure out which Take Lane(s) within Track 57 are causing the issue. Anyone else ever experienced this? Here are my system specs: Cakewalk by Bandlab 2020.09 ROG Rampage V Edition 10 Motherboard Intel 17-6950X CPU 10 Core/ 20 Thread/ 40 Lanes 128GB G. Skill DDR4 3200Mhz Memory Nvidia RTX 2070 Super GPU Samsung 970 Pro 1TB M.2 SSD (5) WD 1TB Black Drives SoundGrid Studio 64 Channel DSP Waves SoundGrid Extreme Server V2 DigiGrid IOX 12 Channel I/O (Master Clock) E-MU 1820 Interface
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