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  1. I followed the "download stem" instructions for Integration Between BandLab and Cakewalk ( https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022218453-Integration-between-BandLab-and-Cakewalk- ) and when I opened the stem files in Calkwalk (File/Open), all the tracks were truncated at different bar lengths. Some tracks were a bit longer than others but at about the 80% mark in the 6 track song, tracks just ended. Some tracks were midi and others analogue. The song and tracks play normally in BandLab. The tracks were recorded by 3 different players, remotely so there is a chance that different tracks were recorded at different Sample Rates and Bits in BandLab. Any ideas about what wold cause this? Is it a bug? Thanks!
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