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  1. Hi folks! In this video we learn how to balance a bass guitar and kick drum, using sidechain compression (ducking) in Cakewalk by Bandlab! WATCH HERE:
  2. Hi folks! Working faster in Cakewalk, keeps the creative juices flowing. I reveal the key to this in my latest video! WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/NhfZEIwDVgc
  3. Hi folks! I have 5 more Cakewalk secrets for you, and I bet there is ONE that most of you don't know WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/A_95DhSWmOU
  4. Hi folks! OMG, I found a way to control Cakewalk with an iPad! It's easy (when you know how). Let me explain.... WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/d5Fjx5hASVE
  5. Hi folks! To celebrate the release of the new export features in Cakewalk, I have a complete rundown for you! WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/JgLoPMp-1_s
  6. Hi folks! A number of people have asked me about mixing vocals in Cakewalk - so here is a video about it, using ONLY stock plugins WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/MRS9tByRUNk
  7. Hi folks! I've been taking a look at some of your wonderful Cakewalk studios - here is my reaction! WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/aG5KD2F3ZiQ
  8. Hi folks! Programming your own custom drum patterns is a key skill, so I jumped into Cakewalk and created a beginner's guide! WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/zHlDv3fs2F8
  9. Hi folks! Workspaces and Screensets can do wonders for workflow in Cakewalk, but which one should you use? Take a look at my examples! WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/6ahr6R8Ot7U
  10. Hi folks! If you are thinking of getting the awesome Addictive Drums 2 or already have it, take a look at my guide for using it effectively in Cakewalk! WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/N22NT39huQI
  11. Hi folks! From organizing your workspace, to hidden controls for your plugins - I have 5 handy (slightly random) Cakewalk tips for you in this video! WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/pkEfs-NVKII
  12. Hi folks! Many of you have had trouble setting up devices to control Cakewalk. In this video I hope to ease your frustration! WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/K7x30ZmO5V0
  13. Hi folks! I've been trying to unlock the full potential of SI Drums in Cakewalk with some tricks and hacks. See how it went! WATCH HERE:
  14. I downloaded Cakewalk by BandLab a couple of weeks ago and I am astonished at what it can do. Granted, it's been about 20 years since I last did any digital music recording (using Cakewalk Home Studio, as it happens). The advances between then and now are about as amazing as they had been between then and the 1980s, when I did a bit of work in recording studios with 2-inch tape machines. The whole world of VST effects and instruments alone has changed everything. Anyway, I managed to get my 1987 Ensoniq ESQ-1 working with CbB, even to the point of opening twenty-year-old .wrk files in CbB and finding them already set up to play the ESQ-1 again, after I'd loaded its instrument definition, which I don't think I had to change at all. I also found a pair of AKG headphones I bought in 1974 that still work too. I have to say that the videos by Mike at Creative Sauce were crucial to how quickly I got to understand CbB. The only tricky part of getting everything back the way I left it at the turn of the century was reloading stored ESQ-1 programs. I originally stored them on audio cassettes, later transferred to .mdx files about 1999. None of my old MIDI software now runs on 64-bit Windows 10, so I had to search around for something that would at least let me try sending stuff to the synth. I settled on Bome Software's SendSX in the end. It is clear and straightforward to use. The mysterious .mdx file format, once I could inspect the contents in SendSX, turned out to be standard MIDI codes, but the sysex headers and footers were oddly messed up for some reason. With a bit of assembly-style code-breaking, and reference to the appendices of the ESQ-1 manual, I figured out where the program data began and ended, and simply appended the sysex headers and footers that should have been there. Instant success! The ESQ-1 thought for a moment about what it was receiving and then lit up with all my old voices. So not only was I able to get old songs into CbB, I was also able to get them to sound right on the ESQ-1. There is a problem in the ESQ-1 that is causing it to lose internal program and sequence data every time it is switched off. This I can live with, as the programs can be safely stored in the 80-voice EEPROM cartridge, and the sequences are better off in CbB anyway. I suspect the problem is more than a flat battery, as I am not getting a battery warning at start-up. Unfortunately the engineer who last worked on the synth (Phase Engineering, in Sydney) appears to have retired to the mountains.
  15. Hi folks! The Matrix View in Cakewalk by Bandlab allows you to improvise a composition and record your actions! Check out my video, demystifying the Matrix! WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/E8VHm2X7aPw
  16. Hi folks! Cakewalk now has Articulation Maps, and they are super useful! I explain how in this video WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/owkYPMuhcQo
  17. Hi folk! Whether you need to make loops fit a track, fix up some messy playing, or change tempo - you may need to stretch audio. In this video we find out how, in Cakewalk by Bandlab WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/ZVOs-8KtYYg
  18. Hi folks! A number of viewers have asked about changing time signatures and tempo in a song, so here is a 'How to' WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/mXK6T9fpMtQ
  19. Hi folks! I wanted to share a few tips that can really get you moving with MIDI in Cakewalk by Bandlab. Warning - veterans may still learn WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/1115-DJPznI
  20. Hi folks! Following on from a video I released a couple of weeks ago, I expand on various methods to fix or improve latency in Cakewalk. WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/gW1ZW9_sgXo
  21. Hi folks! If you want a simple trick to have latency free recording, with FX, but no special hardware - check out my video. I show you how to do it in Cakewalk by Bandlab, but this could be applied to other DAWs WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/-huBF5lrqRM
  22. Hi folks! Sidechain compression is both useful and EASY in Cakewalk by Bandlab. Just take a look at my tutorial WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/cfPSaPHP7E4
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