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  1. Hi Ok, I'm firmly in "newbie territory" here, but I've been fumbling around trying to work with buses and I noticed that my buses don't give me a feel when tracks are being recorded in Cakewalk BUT do give me a feed when I am listening to the tracks back. (Make sense?!) Is this how its supposed to work? and if so is there a reason for it perhaps that I'm not grasping?! Any example of the buses I am setting up are for recording a drum kit where I have grouped all the drums to one bus and a pair of overheads to another bus, and another bus for an electronic kit that outputs stereo feeds. Many thanks in advance
  2. Deesnay

    Bus in / out gain

    Hi there, I want to adjust the incoming gain for a master bus. (I use Cakewalk in French: "Gain d'entrée", not sure what the English is for this). In some of my projects, I can see the proper control in the bus component (see attached screenshot), as well as some other controls. In other projects, I cannot see the control in the bus component (see other attached screenshot). I don't understand why. And so far I have not been able to find out how to display these controls. Can you help, please? Thanks!
  3. I have installed Bandlab/Cakewalk as well as the Mackie app for my Producer 2.2 interface. I cannot hear any audio output though the phones out on the 2.2 But Windows sounds are there in the phones so Windows likes the interface. I've followed the tutorials and opened a new project, insert instrument (drums) and can see the drum set and mouse hit the drums and it shows that it's triggering but no sound at all. I suspect it may be a bus assignment but I've tried everything I can think of (and I know MIDI) and no audio. Here's another thing. After installing Cakewalk I launched it without the interface attached and before I installed the Mackie application. On launching Cakewalk I got an error message that "the master bus is set to silent". So I tried to find the right setting and could not figure out the master bus problem. But now when I start Cakewalk without the interface connected (but with the app already installed) and now the error message is "the drivers installed are not compatible...." so I can't listen through the laptop headphone jack. I've looked everywhere and can't find a solution. Thanks in advance for your help. Mike in Nashville
  4. Can we have volume and pan slider on Track folder that worked relative to the volume of each tracks within? I know we can send the tracks inside folder to specific bus, however if Mute, Solo and Arm can make it to the folder, why not volume and pan as well? It will be very convenience for our workflow without assigning new bus for the folder. Thanks & warm regards! James Argo
  5. New session, new issue. Shouldn't there be a checkmark on the dropdown since I have a send on this track? As you can see, the send does exist on the track but when I right click to see it from the context menu, it doens't have a checkmark next to the send. It did it before. Is this a bug or am I missing something?
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