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  1. encountering a bug with new vst3 installs where the vst3 file is located within a .vst3 folder. most plugins install only a vst3 file and that works fine but the .vst3 folder installs are tripping up cakewalk. these same plugins load just fine in other daws.
  2. I reopened a project where I spent the entire afternoon building a beat with a sampler (Sitala) but now all audio information is gone. The edited samples are literally vanished (the original are still in my drive tho). The MIDI information is still stored and if I click on the palette icon Sitala doesn't boot up anymore. When I saved the project everything worked fine, then this evening I boot up the PC and this **** happened. I'm extremely frustrated, especially because it can happen again if I don't know the cause, any help?
  3. I recently installed cakewalk. I turned it on and started playing, after some time I wanted a fixed velocity and discovered a midi effect called "Velocity" . Then I wanted to run it by dragging it on FX rack and it don't worked. I'm sending a screenshot of the error that appears when the effect is started.
  4. Hi, whenever I bounce a pair of MIDI tracks there's no audio, just a single straight line without a waveform. The project has over 30 tracks and they give me no problem except these 2 which are using a Quilcom SIM-HC vst. I tried freezing/unfreezing them, bouncing through the "Tracks->Bounce to Track(s)" but it still doesn't work. I understand that the problem is the plugin but, considering that I must mix my project and the error could happen again in the future with other vsts, is it possible to do some troubleshooting to solve the situation? Thanks in advance for the help.
  5. I'm having this issue and its super frustrating, whenever I use the smart grid in the piano roll, the size of the grid never changes, when whenever I change the size of the note, the smart grid turns itself off. If anyone can tell me how to fix this issue, please do.
  6. UPDATE - Resolved, by correcting the Output Port data - from Microsoft Wavetable, to the proper instance of Kontakt, then saving the corrected drum map. I discovered that CbB Drum Map Manager had changed all Output Port assignments from the specified Kontakt instance, to the Microsoft Wavetable. I have zero ideas why, at the moment. I updated those assignments back to the Kontakt instance, and resaved the drum map, and all is well. I will try to dig into this some more, and open a support ticket, when time permits. Bob Bone Howdy - I have been a user of NI Komplete, and Kontakt, for many many years, and am suddenly experiencing a perplexing issue, with a 1 second lag in hearing audio from triggering notes on any of my MIDI controllers, using the Studio Drummer library, in a separate Kontakt instance, where I have a single one of the Studio Drummer factory instruments loaded into the Kontakt instance. 1) This project has 3 Kontakt instances, with one instance for a New York Grand Piano instrument, the 2nd instance having a Kontakt Factory Library string ensemble instrument, and the 3rd Kontakt instance having a single Studio Drummer Library instrument loaded into this Kontakt instance. 2) I have no detectable lag when using my MIDI controllers to trigger notes for either the 1st or 2nd Kontakt instances, and if I use the 3rd Kontakt instance's virtual keyboard to trigger any of the Studio Drummer kit pieces, using my mouse, there is also no detectable lag. It is only this 3rd Kontakt instance, with the Studio Drummer instrument, that I get a lag of around 1 second, when I use either of my two MIDI controllers to trigger drum kit pieces for the 3rd Kontakt instance. This makes ZERO sense, as to what could be causing this issue. 3) My computer specs are: Dell Alienware 17 R5 laptop 16GB of memory Two 2TB M.2 NVME hard drives, and a 3rd hard drive that is a 2TB solid-state drive. Intel i7 CPU 4) My ASIO Buffer Size is set to 128 samples, for my audio interface, which happens to be my Behringer XR-18 digital mixer, using a USB connection to the laptop. 5) The Studio Drummer Library resides on one of the NVME hard drives, which is where all of my sample libraries are stored. This NVME drive has no other files/folders on it, other than sample libraries from Native Instruments Komplete 12 Ultimate. 6) I am using a drum map for this Studio Drummer instrument, in a Track Template I have used for around 4 years now, with no prior issues. The instrument is routing each kit piece to its own audio track(s), with most of the tracks being mono, and the snare (stereo - top mono and bottom mono), and prior to yesterday, everything has worked with no issues, including no problems with lag. I have done some searching, using Google and in this forum, for anyone else having this kind of issue, with no seccess in finding this issue reported anywhere. I am all ears for any suggestions as to what I can do to resolve this issue. I will be continuing to dig into it, to try to figure it out, and if I come up with anything to fix this, I will update this thread, to avoid anyone needlessly investing time into helping on a problem that is resolved. In about 2 cups of coffee, I will try running the stand-alone version of Kontakt, outside of CbB, to see if the issue exists within Kontakt itself. I will also try starting a new CbB project, with only one Kontakt instance, with the Studio Drummer instrument loaded, starting with only 1 stereo audio track, and of course a MIDI track, so as not to use a drum map, and to be as plain a project as possible, so as to just test triggering notes from my MIDI controllers. If that is successful in resolving the lag, I will then try starting a new project with only the tracks and single Kontakt instance of the Studio Drummer instrument - using the Project Template I had built with the drum map and the separate audio outputs and multiple audio tracks - but nothing else in the project, and again test triggering notes from my MIDI controllers. I will also test the above using a VST3 Kontakt instance, and again with a VST2 instance, in case that has anything to do with the issues. A very sad Bob Bone - who is trying to record a brand new song.
  7. I don't know if this is the proper place to say this, but I want to report a bug on BandLab. I hope it is a bug. If not, someone tried (and succeded) to steal one of my songs. https://www.bandlab.com/revisions/fc0f9879-337b-ec11-94f6-0003ffcd3240?sharedKey=OU6-u0pXy0avc1UnN3mgaw This song was made by me and made public a while ago. And now is private and apparentely someone else is the author. I wrote to @bandlab about this and never had an answer. Besides, two of my songs have now a collab that I didn't invite. I wrote to that person and she never answered, either. What should I do? Has this happened before? Thanks in advance. Maria
  8. I have this weird hissing sound that plays when I put some VST plugins in to it. The hissing sound starts quiet, then keeps getting louder, the abruptly stops. I tried to ignore it, but it comes up in the MP3 Export. What is it and what do I do???
  9. Evan Thomas

    Extreme UI Latency

    I am completely new to the world of DAWs so apologies in advance for sounding clueless. I have just installed Cakewalk and I essentially cannot use it at all due to extreme lag with the UI. Anytime I click anything or even try to adjust the window, there is a 4-5 second delay before the action is registered. I am not sure how to fix this or even what settings I should begin to look into. To the best of my knowledge, all settings are at default, and my audio drivers are up to date. Does anyone have any idea what I might try to fix this issue? In case it is helpful, here are the relevant specs of my PC: CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 RAM: 16 GB DDR4 3200 MHz Like I said before, I am completely new to this stuff so please let me know if there is any other information I can provide to help diagnose the issue.
  10. Hi All, The title is a bit misleading after doing some work. Perhaps someone can enlighten me as to why I'm see this behavior . I just spent the last hour combing through the threads and reading the manual when I fixed my problem. Here is what I saw: I had "screenset" 1 set in a new project I started today. I was working with some samples using the "Media Browser". To make extra room, I had "removed" the "Help" module. This gave some room and left a module header bar that said "Help Module" and contained the ">>" marker (or button) that would allow me to collapse the "Media Browser. After working a bit I started to set up some screensets for my workflow and what I kept running into was a problem with screenset 1. I would collapse the "Media Browser", then switch to another screen, but when I came back to 1, the "Media Browser" would be open again. This started making me crazy as I knew that I was doing it correctly (or so I thought). What I discovered (just as starting this thread) was that IF you close (collapse) the "Help" module, the header remains on the screen to support the ">>" marker. If that condition exists and you collapse the "Media Browser" to the right side, then go to another screenset, when you come back the "Media Browser" is there again. It is almost like the screenset save is weirding out for 1. Well the "workaround" is to un-collapse the Help module (you can type "Y"), re-collapse the entire right side panel (including the Media Browser) using ">>", go to another screenset and "BOOM" it works now. How strange is that. The reason I went to this length to type this that I thing this my be a bug, but maybe not?? What do you think? I think it may be something that is not supposed to happen (i.e. a bug). I try messing with the workspace setting to fix it but that was not the problem. Syphus
  11. I've found this bug that whenever I have projects using Autotune, upon loading the project, the audio passing through Autotune always sound muffled and lofi. My workaround was to delete then undo every instance of Autotune. After troubleshooting a little more I realized this is caused by a mismatch in Default New Project Sample Rate (which i had set at 96khz) and that current project which is 48khz. I'm not sure if this is a Cakewalk problem or Antares' autotune (probably Antares ). But thought ill put it out there in case anyone else faces this problem.
  12. Hi all, I've been using the play engine in cakewalk for a month or so now and its been working great, but suddenly all of my interface windows for the VST are clipped and I'm missing the right hand section of the interface. Dragging the window to be larger just leaves that grey background region as shown in the screenshot I've attached. Its only a small section but it hides away information about currently loaded instruments and can block the browser menu. The standalone Play engine app opens just fine still. Anyone had this happen before and have suggestions on how to restore it?
  13. In one moment virtual controller became invisible. After opening it by hotkey i can play, record, change height, but not see. In workspace, pressing K should mute part of audio, instead virtual controller plays notes. How to fix it?
  14. I didn't know this feedback loop thingy existed. Or else I wouldn't have made a video pointing out the most obvious problems I have been facing in Cakewalk. I was waiting for the comments to accumulate to see the opinion (and other suggestions) of others before reaching out to the social handles of Bandlab. And it is from the comments I came across this feedback loop. These are the points I stated in that video. These are the issues that were mentioned in it. No MIDI Clip isolation Automation Issues Exporting issue with track outs MIDI Clip isolation Cakewalk must be the only DAW that I have used, that doesn't let us isolate or MIDI data inside a MIDI clip. From the comments, I figured many users actually prefer having to see the entire MIDI data in a track, even though it might be even above 10 minutes. So, I hope it can be brought in like an option that can be turned ON and OFF like the Clip outlines I showed in the video. Automation Issues There are too many automation issues that it can be a post of its own. I strongly suggest watching the video to see the obvious issues like unresponsive automation, delay in automation timing, and weird sound output. Apart from it is hard to carry out simple copy and paste with automation data. Exporting issue with track outs When we export track outs, the bus effects does not get applied to the tracks. I talked to someone who had used Cakewalk from 1998 and he said it wasn't like that. Back when Cakewalk was Sonar, the bus FX did get applied to individual track outs. This is necessary when we are working with other people. Hope you look into these as soon as possible, at least the second and third issues. -AdK
  15. Hello. The wet level automation of REVERB 2 don't works on exported file, but in the program it works. I have checked "Track Automation"and "Bus Automation" in export options. Please for help.
  16. how to fix it?? video record 👇 2021-02-19 14-26-10.mkv i need this function, idk why2021-02-19 14-26-10.mkv dosnt work...... i have new updated bandlab
  17. I switched from USB interface to Dante network and Dante Via only allows sampling rates of 48kHz. Since I've worked in Sonar at 44kHz so far, I now have to change all of my projects. With an audio converter I converted over 1000 wave files from 44kHz to 48kHz in a patch process. In Sonar Preferences for New Projects I have also changed the sampling rate to 48000Hz. If I now load an existing project with the converted wave files, all waves are cut off at the end or set to silence. The file length is retained. If I replace the same file manually via Import audio, the track is displayed and played correctly. So it's not because of the wave file, it is displayed and played correctly in every other player. I need your help because I don't want to manually replace all files in over 200 projects. Thank you, Georg. In the picture I have manually imported the same file in track 11 as in track 10.
  18. Hi, I found the bug in latency compensation which cause desync between tracks. Here is what I tried: [Working Corrently 1 - In Sync] TrackA : Instrument (no latency) + FX (has latency) TrackB : Instrument (no latency) + FX (no latency) [Working Correctly 2 - In Sync] TrackA : Instrument (has lntency) + FX (no latency) TrackB : Instrument (no latency) + FX (no latency) [Not Working - Desync between A and B] TrackA : Instrument (has latency) + FX (has latency) TrackB : Instrument (no latency) + FX (no latecy) It looks like issue happens only when both Instrument and Inserted FX plugins have latency. Probably, FX latency is ignored in calculation when Instrument has latency. I hope this information is enough to reproduce. Using latest version of Cakewalk. Tested on several computers, several plugins by different dev, several audio interfaces with ASIO. I think this didn't happen in the old version of Cakewalk (or SONAR) but I'm not really sure.
  19. I have some custom shortcuts to forward and backward a measure, for example: PgDn and PgUp: They always work in Track View and Piano Roll View simultaneously. However, after this last update, these shortcuts have stopped working in PRV. Also, I can't dock PRV window in MultiDock anymore. What is wrong?
  20. I updated to 2021.21 a few days ago. When I bounce clips to a clip or to a track, the gain on the bounced clip or track is easily 12 db higher than the original material. Manipulating volume and gain in the source track doesn't seem to help--the bounce just maxes out the headroom anyway. This is brand new behavior, and it makes it pretty much impossible to work in Cakewalk, so I'd appreciate it if A) you could tell me how to roll this update back, or B) you could supply a fix or workaround.
  21. Hi guys. I've seen another topic with the same issue but there was no solution. The trouble is that in some projects the sidechain function is not working. I send my signal to some compressor(Any plugin, not just Sonitus) and theres no input. I open a new project and the sidechain works fine. But right now I'm working on a project which is almost finished so it would be a disgrace to start a new project. Any ideas about how could I fix this? Edit: I use a Scarlett 18i20 (Third gen) and Windows 10. The drivers are up to date. Thanks in advance! Edit: this behaviour was solved in the last update
  22. Okey, this is driving me absolutely nuts and I stil can't figure out what the absolute hell is going on !!! Every thing I do seems to make changes to my project. I hit play and then pause and some changes are made to my project. I open up cakewalks settings and make changes to the setting and when I close the setting some changes are made to my project. I absolutely cant figure out what the hell is going on. Can anyone help me out? I just upgraded my pc a few days ago and I was hoping that this issue would go away but it got even crazier. It got to the point where I could hardly even open up a project, because something was just constantly making changes and cakewalk was continuously auto-saving. I had to fully disable auto-save to be able to even open up a project. I though it was something with my vsts but it's happening even when I make a new project with just one audio track in it.
  23. So I was doing stuff in Cakewalk just a moment ago, and for no reason a drum sampler I had frozen (it's Shorcircuit 2) started playing back audio from my microphone on my laptop, as in, when you set up a track to record and you hear what is being recorded through the track. I now can't unfreeze the drum track, can't open the "Takes" lane, and when I unplug my headphones the audio gets fed back into the microphone making an awful ringing noise. Turning "Record" on and off on the track does nothing. What could be causing this issue?
  24. I am encountering this error for the second time where Cakewalk thinks a project (that I've linked below) is way longer than it actually is. The song itself is 45 seconds long, yet Cakewalk thinks it goes on for over 2 minutes, therefore rendering over a minute of mere silence. Last time I could actually apply a fix from a previous thread about the same issue (http://forum.cakewalk.com/FindPost/3205742) where I would open the Event List view and delete all events after the end of my song, but I can't find it anymore in the places it once was. Looking at the cakewalk manual https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=4&help=EditingMIDI.45.html , the Event List view should be in one of those drop-down menus, but it isn't: So how can I get rid of the silence at the end of my tracks, or am I doomed to always select my track before rendering it? super long silence at the end.cwp super long silence at the end.mp3
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