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  1. I have WASAPI-Shared as my driver mode. But still the buffer size slide is disabled. All cakewalk docs say that this slider should be enabled when not using ASIO. Please see screenshots. Thank you.
  2. My System: Windows 7 Home 64-bit, 2.4GHz i7, 6GB DDR4 RAM. Cakewalk v2020.04 My Interface: Line 6 TonePort UX8 (Newest ASIO drivers from Line 6 website, 2019 I believe) Hello, So, I've experienced the Blue Screen of Death twice now - every time I try to go lower than 512 samples, which was giving me a 11.6s latency. 512 is the default buffer size for my interface in the ASIO Driver Control Panel. The interface is a Line 6 UX8 which connects via USB 2. Normally this latency wouldn't be too bad but the music I plan to record is quite fast fusiony type stuff so even the slightest slap-back is quite disturbing for the performers. Screenshots of the Preferences Menu below: It first happened when I tried to change the buffer size (Preferences > Device Settings > Mixing Latency) with the slider all the way to the left, I think this was 128 samples. But stupidly, I had channels armed and monitoring at the time, so when the BSoD happened I figured that was my mistake and probably what caused it. After the first attempt, this time I unarmed every track and did a global FX bypass in the mix module too in-case any plugins were causing the problem. I attempted to change the Buffer Size down to 256 samples (not all the way to the left "fast" but second notch to the left) and after a few seconds loading - BAM, I got the Blue Screen again. The Blue Screen was as follows: Aside from this I have to say the program runs beautifully, even with this interface albiet at 512 samples. I haven't tried increasing the buffer size to see what affect that has, but before I put my system through another blue screen I figured I'd ask on here first. I also haven't tried a different interface yet and I understand that it could very well be the interface that's causing the problem. Would really appreciate some input! Does anyone know of a fix for this? Thanks Everyone!
  3. I'm using Splice sound samples with Sonar x2. After I preview a sample in Splice there is a big delay before the sound on Sonar kicks back in. Sonar actually hangs a bit, unfreezes and then after 1- seconds the sound is back on. Thinking it's something to do with my interface - Presonus Fire Studio - and/or maybe sampling or latency or buffer settings. Anyone experiencing this or know a fix ?
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