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  1. Hi all I've been having this weird problem for a while now. Whenever I try to use more than one instance of an Arp in Cakewalk it plays fine in Cakewalk, but when I export to a wav file, either the arps don't play at all, or the sound is changed in some way, for example, the sound is without reverb from the synth. I have tried using Blue Arp and Cthulu and get the same results for both Arps. i have tried various synths. It seems similar to this problem http://forum.cakewalk.com/Sonar-export-issue-SOLVED-m3289179.aspx which doesn't actually seem to be solved. The key seems to be that Cakewalk is exporting something different to what I hear on the Master Bus, even if I choose to export just the Master Bus! I love Cakewalk, Blue Arp and Cthulu but this is driving me nuts!! Please can someone help... Cheers
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