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  1. I have a plan that upgrade Windows 7 to 10. So I'd like to clarify the backup of the plugin settings. I know VST plugins presets and settings are saved to their folders for each plugins so it's OK. But I believe Cakewalk also saves plugins parameter settings when saving project. Are those settings contained in project.cwp file? or some other specific folder? I'm assuming that might be %AppData%\Cakewalk\Shared Presets\
  2. BACK UP YOUR IK SOUNDS DOWNLOADS. If you are buying Syntronic or Sampletank or content make sure you back up the installation files for the sounds. Then backup the backup! I lost the sounds folder for my IK stuff in a disk failure. No problem with the Sampletank 3 content as I had the files backed up. But the Syntronic content backup backups I made are lost due to a mistake configuring Acronis. I don't own the full Syntronic, just 6 of the instruments, most of which I got free/cheap on various offers. If I want to reinstall its going to cost me 71.94 Euros to buy 6 download credits. (Less jam points) . As I seldom use Syntronic I am minded not to bother. 11.99 Euros to download the lot jampoints are accepted. Still important to backup though.
  3. As I am sharing this the words of @Craig Anderton are singing in my ear but did I listen? Well it's not that I didn't want to or knew that I needed to, it was just that I never thought it would actually happen like it did. I was about to get a very important wakeup call. I had a Project Archive consisting of many years of my personal work as well as my clients on a 2tb Seagate Free Agent USB 2.0 external hard drive. Needless to say I would always brag about how long I had the drive and kept putting more and more of my files there for safe keeping; then it happened. I noticed that things were not running as smooth as they used to and that the drive was all of a sudden not being recognized when I booted into Windows, I went through the normal sense of concern and tried different USB ports, etc. but nothing. I then went to the extreme length of opening up the Free Agent enclosure where lo and behold I discovered the 2tb drive attached to a SATA to USB interface. I removed the drive and connected it to an open SATA port and tried again. This time Windows was a little slower but then ChkDsk came up and looked like it found the problem with the drive and booted as usual with the formerly entombed USB drive now showing. Wow, that's great I thought so I shut things down and then proceeded to re-connect the drive to the USB interface. Now when I tried booting to Windows again all I got was spin, spin, spin...nothing. So I went through the process again; removing the drive and attaching it to the SATA port and tried booting into Windows. This time there was a little whine from the drive and me staring at a black screen with no ChkDsk, no Windows, nothing, just a cold, empty feeling inside. I then realized I might be looking at losing years of not only my work but clients as well. needless to say I was very concerned. I then stopped to consider my options. I did have some success in the past messing around with DOS and one case long ago restoring a Master Boot Record but I felt this was a little more serious so I took a shot and called a local computer system builder near me and they said they would give it a go. Well as you can see from the picture things went great after a lot of prayer and waiting (the process of scanning the defective hard drive, recovering and copying the files to a new drive took the whole of an entire weekend). The were able to recover ALL of my data and transferred it to another drive. One thing they mentioned was it was good that I did not try to continue attempting to recover things on my own as it could have resulted in further damaging the drive. Why am I going into all of this detail? I just want to be a friendly reminder that if it spins, it can die and die at the moment you least expect or want it too. I am hoping to come up with a better strategy and workflow so i do not have to lose any sleep at night wondering if today will be the day I will lose everything. So if your hear a tiny voice during your tracking sessions, it might be myself or Craig reminding you IT"S TIME TO BACK UP! ? I would love to hear other users experiences and backup solutions that are working for you? Best regards from someone very grateful as the story could have been a lot different.
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