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  1. I'm creating complete articulation maps for the ISW Shreddage guitars line. I've looked around for maps but really wasn't seeing any, except by BabylonWaves, which only have a small subset of all the articulations, those being the main. Does anyone know if there's a place to download them? If not, I'll probably post mine when I'm done.
  2. Hi all. I know there’s an area for articulation maps, but I can’t find it. Anyone have the link? Thanks.
  3. Hello Articulators -- I'm just getting rolling with Articulation Maps, and I think I got the gist of it. I got it working great for an "instrument" track. However, when moving to a MIDI track (I want to use multiple instruments within a single OPUS instance), it's not working. When I have a MIDI track assigned to a channel, the FOLLOW option in the Channel of the articulation map doesn't seem to work. I don't get the change happening. If I change the channel to the channel that I have my track set to, voila! it works. I'm not sure it matters, but I'm using a single instance of Opus softsynth. Ideas? Thanks, Jesse
  4. I've put together an articulation map for SonuScore The Orchestra Complete which I hope will be useful to people here. I *think* I've done everything correctly, but this is my first attempt so please let me know if I've made any mistakes. It should work with the separate plugins (Horns of Hell, etc) but I have no way to be sure. I have given the map a version number so any updates can be tracked. John SonuScore The Orchestra v1.0.artmap
  5. Hi, today I downloaded Sample Science's French Violin, a VST2 violin with six types of articulations. Unfortunately, there do not appear to be key-switches for selecting which articulation to play. Instead, there is only the articulation menu in the plugin window. Is there any chance that through something like midi channels or patches, I can still make an articulation map for this plugin? Thanks.
  6. Hello! These are articulation maps for four of the free Sforzando instruments offered by this site: https://unreal-instruments.wixsite.com/unreal-instruments. I am not very experienced with making articulation maps, so if there's any issue, please let me know. Also, some of the articulations for the koto are in Japanese. Those are various pitchbends. An example list of the articulations - Standard Guitar: natural/picking harmonics, brush, fret/down/up/alt mutes, down/up/alt/PBR12/PBR24 sustains, hammer pull, down/up/in/out slides, half tone/whole tone pitchbends, auto/manual unison pitchbends, portamento, and half tone/whole tone/min3/maj3 trills UnrealInstrumentsArtMaps.zip
  7. I can open the articulation view or track, drag in it (which creates a block for the articulation) but then when the dialog appears the block disappears. I make the selection and nothing reappears. The chosen articulation is not displayed (and not surprisingly) has no effect. Windows 10 (build 19041.1052) Cakewalk by Bandlab 2021.04 (build 175).
  8. My first articulation map is for the Amplesound M II and M II Lite virtual instruments. The more I read and understand the Amplesound user manual the better I realize this Articulation Map may be a work in progress. All feedback positive and negative is appreciated! The M II is a virtual Martin acoustic guitar. The attached comparison chart details some of the differences between the two instruments. VSTi download link Amplesound M II.artmap Comparison_AGM_vs_AGML.pdf
  9. Hey all, this is my first entry in the forum. I have been a Cakewalk user for as long as Cakewalk has been in business. Anyway, I am trying out the new articulation map feature in Cakewalk by Bandlab and I like it. One issue that I have found ( I think) is that the map will not let me create multiple keyswitches from my vst instrument. I am using East West play engine in Cakewalk. It works fine when all I want is one instrument. In the play engine there are multiple articulation keyswitch sets for one instrument. For example, the Hollywood Pop Brass has a short-sus ks and then an effects ks. I am trying to figure out how or if I can load both ks sets into one map so I can just use one track in Cakewalk to control both ks sets. I know in the Play plug-in I can load both instruments and use separate midi channels. But Cakewalk doesn't seem to play multiple midi channels. Any of you who use EW sounds have an idea how to make this work or if it can work. There are other daws that do this just fine. But I can't seem to get Cakewalk to do it. Any info appreciated. Thanks
  10. You know what would be awesome? If Articulation Maps could contain SYSEX strings. Also NRPN and NPN values would be awesome as well.
  11. Hey Group I'm not sure if this has been started, but it would be cool if there was a forum/room/whatever where people can share articulation maps. I'll start by asking if anyone is creating a map for NI's Session Guitarist - Strummed Acoustic 2? Thanks!!
  12. hey guys, I hope a commercial announcement is okay in this part of the forum. Art Conductor is a collection of articulation maps supporting more than 350 commercial sample libraries. The maps share a unified naming scheme for the articulations and utilise Cakewalk's group feature to a great extend. In other words, the collection is not just randomly imported Expression Maps, instead the content was build for Cakewalk. And, they're available as of today Details can be found here: http://www.babylonwaves.com/cakewalk Here's a video: Best, Marc
  13. Hi folks! Cakewalk now has Articulation Maps, and they are super useful! I explain how in this video WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/owkYPMuhcQo
  14. Quite often I will copy a track or duplicate to use with another instrument. I'll usually use Paste Special. I'd like to see a checkbox similar to events that would allow me not to copy the articulation track. That would save me quite a bit of time. For example, a flute track copied to a Bass Clarinet and transposed down. I wouldn't have to delete all of the articulations I entered in the flute track.
  15. Quite often I will copy a track or duplicate to use with another instrument. I'll usually use Paste Special. I'd like to see a checkbox similar to events that would allow me not to copy the articulation track. That would save me quite a bit of time. For example, a flute track copied to a Bass Clarinet and transposed down. I wouldn't have to delete all of the articulations I entered in the flute track.
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