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  1. Hello folks, I purchased a Focusrite Scarlett OctoPre because I am a hardware junkie and I love recording and mixing with hardware and plugins. I needed a way to connect extra hardware as I ran out of channels with my Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 and so, the Focusrite Scarlett OctoPre justified the purchase and allowed the use of 8 more external connections. I had the hardest time getting this set up in Cakewalk By Bandlab because all of the videos I watched didn't say anything much about DAW Setup, but here is where reading is fundamental. The Audio Interface manual spells it all out if you just read it. It is important that you know the In and Out table for the mode being used for the Audio Interface you are using. Audio Interface connected to the computer via USB-C = Focusrite Scarlett 18i20. Expander unit being used to provide 8 extra channels of I/O = Focusrite Scarlette OctoPre Only have the Audio Interface on at this port for setup. ======================================== To expand your audio Interface, you will plug a Toslink (ADAT) cable into the primary Audio Interface (Scarlett 18i20) ADAT IN port on the back of the unit. Then plug the other end of the Toslink (ADAT) cable into the ADAT OUT port on the back of the Preamp you are using, (Focusrite Scarlett OctoPre). Open the audio configuration software for your Audio Interface. For my Scarlett 18i20, I use Focus Control. The simplest way of syncing the devices is to set the Clock Source of the Audio Interface to ADAT, next set the Sample Rate to either 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz. The Sample Rate used here will allow for 8 channels to be used within the Audio Interface from the Preamp. Finally, set the I/O Mode to S/PDIF RCA and Save and Close out of your Audio Interface Software and shut down your Audio Interface. Next, turn back on your Audio Interface and at least for the Focusrite brand, you should have everything already set up for you in the software. The ADAT digital format can carry up to 8 channels of audio and this depends on the sample rate you wish to use. 44.1/48kHz - 8 channels 88.2/96kHz - 4 channels 176.4/192kHz - 2 channels For Focusrite: In the Focus Control Software, set the following: (Monitor Outputs) select Playback 1-2 (Line Outputs 3-4) select Playback 3-4 (Line Outputs 5-6) select Playback 5-6 (Line Outputs 7-8) select Playback 7-8 (Line Outputs 9-10) select Playback 9-10 (S/PDIF Outputs 1-2) select Playback 11-12 ADAT Outputs 1.1-1.2 select Playback 13-14 ADAT Outputs 1.3-1.4 select Playback 15-16 ADAT Outputs 1.5-1.6 select Playback 17-18 ADAT Outputs 1.7-1.8 select Playback 19-20 Click Monitor Outputs, and it should now be highlighted black, now click the plus "+" symbol to the right and highlight Analog numbers 1-8 or click the number pairs if you want to add Stereo channels to Focus Control. If using S/PDIF click that also and then select ADAT channels 1-8 either as stereo pairs or as individual channels, If you want to add Loop Back, select that too . For the Software Playback, Click the "+" symbol and click the numbers 1-8, as individuals outs or as pairs. Next, save as a preset or just quit You can decide if you want the above to remain stereo or mono channels. Save and Close out of your Audio Interface software and shut down your Audio Interface. Now turn on your Preamp, for me I use the Focusrite Scarlette OctoPre. On the unit set the Clock Source to INTERNAL, set the SAMPLE RATE to 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz, and then turn on the Audio Interface to make sure they sync up. You should see GREEN lights or the word SYNC appear. For the Focusrite OctoPre, there is only a green dot on the front screen, the lock itself doesn’t turn green. In Cakewalk go to Edit > Properties and you will see the the Focusrite inputs and outputs. The have to be renamed in order to properly assign the correct input and output to the correct channel. INPUT DRIVERS: Set the Friendly Naming Convention in Cakewalk: Focusrite Input 1/2 Focusrite Input 3/4 Focusrite Input 5/6 Focusrite Input 7/8 Focusrite Loopback 9/10 SPIDIF 11/12 Focusrite ADAT IN 1/2 Focusrite ADAT IN 3/4 Focusrite ADAT IN |5/6 Focusrite ADAT IN 7/8 Apply, OK. When in the Track Pane, the IN’s and OUTs will work with the inputs and outs selected for the Focusrite 18i20 or the Focusrite Scarlett OctoPre. You will see when selecting inputs in Cakewalk Focusrite Input 1 L = Channel 1 L Focusrite Input 1 R = Channel 2 R Focusrite Input 1 S = (Stereo) 1L/2R Focusrite Input 3 L = Channel 3 L Focusrite Input 3 R = Channel 4 R Focusrite Input 3 S = (Stereo) 3L/4R Focusrite ADAT IN 1L = Channel 1L Focusrite ADAT IN 1R = Channel 2 R Focusrite ADAT IN 3 S = (Stereo) 1L/2R and so on...
  2. Hello ! I'm re-patching my studio today and stumbled with a little unexpected problem: Trying to use both SPDIF and OPTICAL ADAT on the Tascam. (ADAT connected to my Yamaha 01v96 and SPDIF to a JOMEEK preamp) Studio setup is up-and-running, no sync issues at all between devices. Device is in Audio Interface mode through the ASIO driver. Clocking: the US-20x20 is the master clock via WORCLOCK to the JOMEEK. Yamaha 01v96 syncs via ADAT. Problem: SPDIF signal is not being received by the US-20x20 (ADAT signals are working as expected) Sending SPDIF signal from a JOEMEEK TWINQ preamp to the SPDIF input of the US-20x20 does NOT work... BUT... when connecting the same cable from the JOMEEK directly to the SPDIF input of my 01v96 it works instantly. Tested also the US-20x20 in PREAMP and MIXER MODE. SPDIF signal not transmitted... Theory: must I complete the "SPDIF loop" (using both In/Out connectors) on the US-2020 for it to work? Asking because the JOMEEK only has a spdif out connector... Driver issue? Any other US-20x20 users around here using successfully both ADAT and SPDIF signals simultaneously ? Please advise. Regards, Cakewalkers!
  3. I have a Presonus Digimax FS going into an RME Frireface 800 using ADAT and it will not record in Cakewalk. I set it to the correct ADAT in Cakewalk and same input in Windows 10 settings. The mic test in Windows shows the mic working but it will not record in Cakewalk by BL or in Sonar Platinum. I can record using the analog inputs just fine. I am attaching a screenshot. I am using ADAT 4 (ADAT3 right) and when I select the analog it records just fine but ADAT shows no levels in the meter.
  4. Hi Cakestalkers, I'm setting up a new Presonus Quantum with an existing ZOOM UAC-8 interface -- connecting via ADAT optical connector (yielding extra inputs for my old hardware synths). Has anyone tested or does anyone know what sort of EXTRA latency I can expect between the arrival of an analog audio signal at the ZOOM's input and the ultimate output from the Quantum into Cakewalk for recording/monitoring? I know the Quantum has near-zilch round-trip latency so I am primarily concerned with any extra latency imparted by the ZOOM during: 1. Input signal to and through ZOOM's AD conversion, to 2. ZOOM's ADAT output, to 3. Quantum''s ADAT input, to 4. Quantum's Thunderbolt output, to 5. Cakewalk's recording channel I guess I'm really just asking if, in steps 1 and 2, the signal will incur ZOOM's usual latency (call it x) PLUS any latency added in steps 3 through 5 by the Quantum (call it z)? Or will it be faster than (x + z) since the ZOOM doesn't really have to deal with any drivers or computer-related processing -- only its own? Thanks, Bill
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